Cape Argus




“And on the sixth day, God created man,” Cy the Cynic grumbled to me in the club lounge, “with the kind of results you often produce when you go in to work on a Saturday.”

“I take it your partners are still letting you down,” I said.

Cy showed me today’s deal. He had been North.

“My partner bid himself to four spades with no encouragem­ent from me,” Cy said. “He ruffed the second heart, drew trumps and led the king of diamonds. West won and led a third heart, and declarer ruffed — with his last trump. He led a diamond to dummy and returned a club, but East won and took two hearts.” Down One “Your partner could have cashed his diamonds for down only one,” I observed.

“Better still, he could have made the

contract,” the Cynic said sourly. “He draws trumps ending in dummy and leads a club. He needs East to hold the ace to have a chance. If East wins and leads another heart, declarer ruffs and forces out the ace of diamonds. West has no more hearts, so South takes the rest.” Daily Question

You hold: ♠ 6 3 ♥ A Q 10 9 8 ♦ 6 3 ♣ A9 5 2. The dealer, at your left, opens one club. Your partner doubles, and the next player bids two clubs. What do you say?

Answer: Partner has opening values or more and surely has heart support and a singleton club. The play at hearts will go so well that you should commit to game. Bid four hearts. If partner has a suitable minimum such as A K 5 4, K J 7 6, J 8 7 4, 3, you will make an overtrick.

West dealer N-S vulnerable

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