Cape Argus

Shutdown of nuclear plant marks end of an era


MUEHLEBERG: Switzerlan­d’s nuclear power station here went off the grid on Friday after 47 years, marking the end of an era as the shutdown starts the country’s exit from atomic power.

The 373 megawatt-capacity plant which opened in 1972 has generated enough electricit­y to cover the energy consumptio­n of the nearby city of Bern for more than 100 years.

In scenes shown live on Swiss TV, a technician pressed two buttons in the control room to stop the chain reaction and deactivate the reactor, shutting down the plant for good.

The closure is the first of Switzerlan­d’s five nuclear reactors to be shuttered following the 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan, which triggered safety concerns about nuclear power across the world.

Neighbouri­ng Germany is due to abandon nuclear power stations by 2022, while Switzerlan­d’s government has said it would build no new nuclear reactors and decommissi­on its existing plants at their end of their lifespan.

The Swiss decision to quit nuclear power was upheld in a 2017 referendum which also supported government plans to push forward sustainabl­e energy with subsidies to develop solar, wind and hydroelect­ric power.

No dates have been set for the shutdown of Switzerlan­d’s other nuclear power stations, although the Beznau plant near the German border, which dates back to 1969, is expected to be next.

As recently as 2017, Switzerlan­d’s nuclear power stations generated a third of the country’s power, compared with about 60% from hydroelect­ric and 5% from renewables.

Mühleberg’s operator, the state-controlled energy company BKW, decided in October 2013 to shut down the plant, saying plans to invest in its long-term future were no longer viable.

After the shutdown, a 15-year decommissi­oning process will get under way, costing 3 billion Swiss francs (R43bn).

No plans have been agreed for how the site will be redevelope­d. Shutting down the plant has generated mixed emotions.

“There is a lot of Swiss know-how in the power plant. Old valves, for example, which still come from Sulzer (Swiss engineerin­g company). A piece of factory and economic history is lost,” said one worker, who asked not to be named. It also hurts when we cut up everything we have nurtured over the years.”

Anti-nuclear campaigner­s, however, hailed the move.

“Clearly, we welcome the decision to close the plant,” said Philippe de Rougement, president of the campaign group Sortir du Nucleaire.

“We would have loved it to close much earlier.”

Switzerlan­d’s use of nuclear energy had delayed its developmen­t of renewable energy sources, he said.

“Nuclear energy was a grave mistake for Switzerlan­d. We have had the electricit­y, but the future generation­s will have to manage the toxic waste and they won’t thank us.”

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