Cape Argus

It’s safety first for pupils

Education Department takes steps to minimise risk as province’s schools reopen


WITH growing fear and concern around the return to school of Grades R, 6 and 11, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has put in place a number of safety measures to ensure the safety of pupils and school staff.

So said Premier Alan Winde on the phased return to school on Monday, in line with the national Department of Basic Education’s planning.

The province has reported 16 958 active cases of Covid-19, 71 272 confirmed cases and 52 175 recoveries, as of 1pm yesterday.

To date, 2 139 people have died of the virus. The number of tests conducted in the province is 331 377.

About 1 735 people have been admitted to hospital, with 315 patients in ICU or high care. There remain 6 170 confirmed but unallocate­d cases of Covid-19, of which 3 332 people have recovered.

Winde said that the WCED had spent R450 million so far on cleaning materials, soaps, sanitisers and masks to prepare schools for the phased return of pupils, and developed a comprehens­ive set of guidelines including on how to manage positive cases at schools.

“For many pupils, the return to school creates a safe space. It also allows them to access the school feeding scheme, which provides them with nutritious meals that they may not be able to access at home. Most importantl­y, however, those who are most affected by the closure of schools are our poorer pupils who may not have access to e-learning resources at home, and those who have parents working on the front lines who cannot homeschool their children.”

He said parents with concerns around sending their children back to school may apply for an exemption, which could be done through the school.

“This, however, requires parents to oversee their child’s learning at home and to collect and drop off the child’s work at the school.”

Because Covid-19 spreads through respirator­y droplets, he said it was important that people refrain from touching their faces.

“It is therefore important that surfaces are regularly cleaned, either with soap and water, or bleach and water to kill the virus.”

The province has made available facilities for those who are unable to safely self-quarantine or self-isolate at home. To access them, contact the provincial hotline at 021 928 4102.

“For many pupils, the return to school creates a safe space Alan Winde PREMIER

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