Cape Argus

DNA helps solve mystery

Study shows ancient contact between Polynesian and South American people 800 years ago


WASHINGTON: New genetic research proves that there was mingling between ancient native peoples from Polynesia and South America, revealing a single episode of interbreed­ing roughly 800 years ago after an epic transocean­ic journey.

The question of such contact, long hypothesis­ed in part based on the enduring presence in Polynesia of a staple food in the form of the sweet potato that originated in South and Central America, had been keenly debated among scientists.

On Wednesday, scientists said an examinatio­n of DNA from 807 people, from 14 Polynesian islands and Pacific coastal Native American population­s from Mexico to Chile, definitive­ly resolved the matter.

People from four island sites in French Polynesia – Mangareva and the Pallisers in the Tuamotu archipelag­o and Fatu Hiva and Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas Islands – bore DNA indicative of interbreed­ing with South Americans most closely related to present-day indigenous Colombians at around 1200 AD.

These islands are roughly 6 800km from South America.

People from Chile’s Rapa Nui, or Easter Island, also had South American ancestry, some from modern Chilean immigrants and some from the same ancient intermingl­ing as the other islands. Rapa Nui, 3 700km west of South America and known for its massive stone figures called moai, was settled some time after the interbreed­ing 800 years ago.

The study left open the question of who made the monumental Pacific crossing: Polynesian­s heading east and arriving in Colombia or perhaps Ecuador, or South Americans travelling west.

“I favour the Polynesian theory, since we know that the Polynesian­s were intentiona­lly exploring the ocean and discoverin­g some of the most distant Pacific islands around exactly the time of contact,” said Stanford University computatio­nal geneticist Alexander Ioannidis, the lead author of the research published in the journal Nature.

“If the Polynesian­s reached the

Americas, their voyage would likely have been conducted in their double-hulled sailing canoes, which sail using the same principle as a modern catamaran: swift and stable.”

The contact explains the mystery of how the sweet potato arrived in Polynesia centuries before European sailors. Ioannidis said the sweet potato’s name in many Polynesian languages, resembles its name in some native Andes languages.

 ?? Reuters African News Agency (ANA) ?? A TOURIST walks next to the moai statues on Easter Island. |
Reuters African News Agency (ANA) A TOURIST walks next to the moai statues on Easter Island. |

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