Cape Argus

Silver lining in the cloud for your accounting

- A Mhona is a tax adviser at Probity Advisory. Willem Oberholzer CA (SA) is the chief executive of Probity Advisory. Winne le Roux is cloud accounting lead at Probity Advisory and Kreston South Africa. WILLEM OBERHOLZER, A MHONA AND WINNE LE ROUX

DO YOU remember the time before laptop computers and iPhones? Or when you gave your invoices and receipts to your accountant, and he or she draw up your financial statements?

I grew up seeing my mother writing up a cash book – yes, a physical book that was as long as a table. That manual cash book had to be balanced daily, weekly and monthly.

Accounting records – from receipt books and cash books to sales journals, purchase journals, general ledgers and trial balances – were drafted by hand, and were given to a typist by the auditors to type up a set of financial statements.

It gave accounting and accountant­s a certain aura of mystery. How did they take the vast amount of informatio­n and compile it, summarise it and present it as a concise summary of your labours for the year? They were revered and held in high-esteem.

And then came cellphones, the internet and laptops. Manual accounting gave way to accounting on computers. Neverthele­ss, your informatio­n was stored on a laptop or a server, and only the accounting gurus had access to the systems. They could produce what used to take weeks and months in a flash.

Even though we are living in the informatio­n revolution, it baffles me why so many companies are still doing their accounting on remote laptops. Why, in this day and age, is informatio­n still taken away to be processed? Why do you still wait weeks – if you’re lucky – to have your accounting records available so you to see what you have done, and what you have achieved? Is it being done this way, because it was done that way last year, and because the audit file says so?

So what is “cloud accounting”? I guess it’s called cloud accounting because, like angels that are in the clouds, this modern miracle of accounting shares the clouds with the angels. What? Your informatio­n and the results of the days’ operations available on your mobile phone, in a format that you can understand? A dashboard that allows you to keep your vital informatio­n and key performanc­e indicators at your fingertips? What magic is this?

No, it’s not. It’s here, it’s real, it’s affordable, and it works. You have a clear view of your current financial position in real time. If you’re an accountant, your clients can easily connect you to their portfolios and records. You can give them advice on relevant informatio­n.

Your informatio­n does not go missing, because there are automated back-ups that are uncomplica­ted and cost-free. Time is saved with automated payments for recurring costs, not to mention that you can facilitate a paperless environmen­t and declutter your office. Informatio­n is shared easily and quickly. There is no emailing back and forth, or sharing USBs.

The real beauty is the ability to access real-time informatio­n – live bank feeds and up-to-date reconcilia­tions. Your transactio­ns are recorded as you go.

You can now swiftly transfer informatio­n and complete your tax return templates.

With the pandemic and staff working from home, we have become, in the past 100 days, accustomed to working remotely. If the remote access of records has become the norm, why not the same remote access to accounting informatio­n and documents? It can, and it works.

There may be some initial costs to set up your cloud accounting system and to transfer the data, and some pain to reconcile between the old and the new systems, but thereafter there is a real-time reduction in your business costs. You can cut down costs as a result of software version upgrades, system administra­tion costs, server failures, and IT staff, and you need fewer people to do the same work.

Whether it’s Xero or Sage, or some other product, there is an online package that will meet your needs and your pocket. All you need to do is be bold and hungry enough to demand access to your informatio­n in real time. And remember why a lion is at the top of the food chain and not the Trex. If your bookie is a mummy, then perhaps it’s time to seal the tomb. Find a lion, a cheetah or some other agile predator that is as revered today as the manual accountant­s of the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Viva informatio­n, viva.

 ?? Freepik ?? CLOUD accounting is an affordable technology that gives you a clear view of your current financial position in real time. |
Freepik CLOUD accounting is an affordable technology that gives you a clear view of your current financial position in real time. |

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