Cape Argus

Biblical and Qu’ranic creation myth false


BERNARD Ficker, your indignant response is typical of a creationis­t’s view.

How does one even begin to respond to such drivel?

Firstly, creation, according to the Bible and the Qu’ran, took place over six days, not seven.

But even if the division of days into a week can be attributed to these narratives, how does this in any way prove the veracity of creation?

Are you aware that the Bible contains two creation myths? Which one do you recommend?

The most basic historical research clearly shows that the origins of these myths are to be found in Mesopotami­an mythology and were adopted by the Jews to conform to their belief in one God. These narratives were in turn hijacked by the Christians, and then plagiarise­d by Islam.

There is nothing original about these myths.

And please explain, if you can, if no one existed at the time that creation took place, who recorded these fantastica­l events?

By the way, Mr Ficker, evolution does not make any claims regarding the origins of life.

What it does tell us is that once that first spark of microbiolo­gical life came into existence some 3.8 billion years ago, evolution began its slow and inexorable journey that is reflected in the incredible complexity and diversity of life as we know it today.

We may not know exactly how such a process took place but I have no doubt that the wonders of science will eventually unravel this mystery.

However, what the evidence for evolution does show beyond any doubt is that Biblical or Qu’ranic creation is not only false, it is patently impossible. GARY JAMES | Hout Bay

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