Cape Argus

Living matter debate will rage till end of time


BERNARD Ficker of Somerset West, responding to Gary James’s article regarding evolution and the creation of man, appears to be scientific­ally confused when he asks how living matter arose from non living matter. His question left me scratching my head.

Perhaps Mr Ficker should brush up of his scientific reading. Should he do so he would come to see that carbon dating and other scientific evidence indicates that the earth is over 4.5 billion years old. Science also indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth roughly 230 million years ago and became extinct approximat­ely 65 million years ago.

This shows us that living matter existed 230 million years ago.

As to the emergence of man or in scientific terms the evolution of humans after 5 different ice ages following the destructio­n of the dinosaur age by climate change, volcanic eruptions and meteorites crashing into the earth, scientific evidence suggests that microorgan­isms in the earth’s water at that time resulted in the creation a tiny fish whose survival instincts forced it out of the water and onto land. By process of evolution this little fish eventually grew legs and over millions of years evolved into man as he exists today.

That, Mr Ficker, is the scientific answer to your question as to how living matter arose from non living matter. Factually, living matter existed over 230 million years ago and there is no such thing as non living matter in scientific terms .

That the holy scriptures and other faith based religious orders suggest otherwise will be debated by scientists, academics and members of the cloth until the end of time . COLIN BOSMAN | Newlands

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