Cape Argus

EU does not give a hoot about Greece


THE European Union (EU) has shown its true colours with such hypocrisy, deceit and dishonesty.

They got involved in the internal affairs of a sovereign country such as Belarus when this country is not even a member of the EU, and even applied sanctions and requested the elected president of the country to resign.

They announced that they have even started raising funds to support an opposition government. I wonder who authorised them to be the ombudsman to a non-EU country when they don’t give a hoot about one of their own members.

It is plain criminal and a sad indictment for this block of 27 countries that they don’t give a hoot when Greece, one of its original members, is attacked daily and its sovereignt­y is being questioned by none other than Turkey.

Turkey is a non-EU member that has turned into a rogue state, blackmaili­ng the EU by sending hundreds of thousands of undocument­ed refugees, breaking border fences and creating havoc, and a disaster especially now with the pandemic and treating the sultan and dictator Erdogan with kid-gloves.

This autocrat, just last month, converted a 1 500-year-old Christian cathedral in Istanbul into a mosque.

This is a Unesco site protected by internatio­nal law. Another one last week again showing his middle finger to the rest of the world. Now the EU, instead of showing solidarity as a group supporting Greece from the invading Turkey that creates havoc in the Aegean Sea.

They inch now towards a military confrontat­ion between the two countries and spend more time stirring the pot in Belarus, where they have no legal rights to interfere, than supporting Greece.

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