Cape Argus

Nothing new in Magashule’s stance


ACE Magashule appears to be nothing more than a warlord who sees himself as having been put into high office not by the government but by the ANC branches that elected him.

His utterances that only the ANC branches can remove him from office sends an ominous message into the public domain and gives every reason to be worried. His stance, however, comes as no surprise as he has always seen himself as the prince in waiting.

The fact that Magashule has been arrested for his alleged crimes is irrelevant as his actual trial will go on for years and he’ll attempt to hold out until the next elections at which time he’ll make his political move for the highest political office in the land, which has always been his goal.

The Free State was just his warm-up session with him building his political base for the bigger picture.

What all this says about our democracy is the question on everyone’s lips. Could this be the beginning of the conflict that Nelson Mandela fought so hard to avoid?

Furthermor­e, is this just one man standing against his government or is he simply the spearhead of a bigger movement hell-bent on returning the country to the Zuma era?

The whoop whoops emanating across the country over Magashule’s arrest are disingenuo­us and premature as it’s common knowledge that the war cry from both him and his cronies in similar positions is “innocent until proven guilty”.

Magashule has the time and money in the world to defend himself in court.

It could be suggested that the only way forward is for government to draw a line in the sand by institutin­g charges of insurrecti­on against those that challenge its authority, starting with Mr Magashule. COLIN BOSMAN | Newlands

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