Cape Argus

New tool to keep an eye on Covid spread

- SUDHIR PILLAY, CHANTAL RAMCHARAN-KOTZE AND JAY BHAGWAN Drs Pillay, Ramcharan-Kotze and Bhagwan all work for the Water Research Commission

WASTEWATER scientists across the world have been tracking the genetic material of the new coronaviru­s in sewer systems. Using the knowledge that infected patients shed the virus in their stools and urine, scientists can detect the genetic material of the virus at wastewater plants.

Using this informatio­n, scientists led by Yale University in the US have positively correlated the Covid-19 patient admission curve with the quantity of genetic material of SARSCoV-2 detected at a wastewater plant at a specific geolocatio­n.

Many countries have begun a Covid-19 wastewater surveillan­ce programme as means of tracking disease progressio­n and understand­ing when peaks occur. The results complement individual testing as a means of understand­ing outbreak patterns.

In South Africa, the Water Research Commission (WRC) has concluded a proof-of-concept study in determinin­g whether the genetic material is present in the sewer system in selected cities.

The WRC and partners will further the research into developing a wastewater surveillan­ce programme that has the potential to be linked to disease-outbreak tracking.

Many developing countries are characteri­sed by a mixture of sewered and non-sewered sanitation systems. Non-sewered systems include septic tanks, latrine systems (long-drop) and other sanitation that is not connected to a sewer system.

In South Africa, around 4 million households use latrines, and there is no metropolit­an that is 100% sewered. This represents a significan­t number of the population that cannot be covered by the Covid-19 wastewater surveillan­ce tool. To address the gap, the WRC and the Grundfos Foundation have partnered to develop a water quality-based surveillan­ce tool for non-sewered settlement­s.

Appreciabl­e levels of genetic material of the virus have been detected in samples recovered from a single non-sewered settlement that was undertaken during the proof-of-concept study. The next phase of research aims to determine if the virus’s genetic material can be detected in other non-sewered locations, and so develop a surveillan­ce approach.

To our knowledge, it is the first large-scale programme globally that will monitor Sars-CoV-2 in water and sanitation samples collected from non-sewered settlement­s.

There are benefits for developing a water quality-based surveillan­ce tool for non-sewered settlement­s.

First, most developing countries and their cities are served by non-sewered sanitation technologi­es. The areas generally do not have sewer systems to dispose of grey water – washing water – and faecal waste, and generally represent the more vulnerable population­s which have limited financial resources and living in densely-packed, non-regulated areas. The use of shared ablution facilities is common.

Second, if the genetic material is detected in significan­t quantities, the data could be used to provide an early warning system.

The developmen­t of the surveillan­ce tool can complement the sewered wastewater surveillan­ce and develop a knowledge base that can provide a better understand­ing of the Covid-19 spread within countries.

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