Cape Argus

Elon Musk and Bitcoin show the 'new normal'


THANKS to the "pandemic", beyond a short-legged totalitari­anism that currently flows globally, the questionin­g of politician­s, "government­s", states, and all kinds of institutio­ns is steadily growing.

And, if a “new normal” looms, contrary to what fans of the "pandemic" believe, it will be where people are increasing­ly aware – and independen­t – that they, and not a decadent and unreliable "Authority", are the doers and caretakers of your future.

It is not by doing politics that the world will be changed, which would be an irony; on the contrary, this would imply playing the game of the establishm­ent that has strongly tied its interests, and it is practicall­y impossible to enter politics and not fall into their networks.

Undoubtedl­y Elon Musk is today one of the most influentia­l men in the world, if not the most influentia­l, and Bitcoin is the topic of the moment competing with the news about Covid-19.

And if something characteri­ses him, it is his total detachment from "the authoritie­s" and his evident disinteres­t in politician­s.

Like when Elon defied the quarantine imposed by the bureaucrat­s and won the fight and, above all, with his space race that, in the end, aims to create "private" human colonies. His goal, he said, is to contribute to the creation of a multi-planetary civilisati­on. To do this, and beginning in 2026, he intends to send, by 2050, 1 million humans to Mars in 1 000 SpaceX spacecraft.

Another major player in this "new normal" is Bitcoin. And there is already talk of the possibilit­y of reducing adherents to gold, traditiona­lly considered an active refuge.

Undoubtedl­y, gold has a great advantage, and that is that even if investors ceased to have an interest in it as a currency or safeguard of value, it would still have industrial and jewellery value.

Bitcoin on the other hand, say its detractors, would have no value. However, it has a huge advantage, especially today when states abuse their interferen­ce in people's lives, and that is, that it is impossible to control and track.

And government­s, seeing their future threatened, try to control it but, given the evidence that they will not be able to do so, the idea of establishi­ng their "own digital currency" has occurred to them.

Thus, large central banks are studying the possibilit­y of issuing digital cash and defending themselves against threats from the private sector to traditiona­l money. ALEJANDRO A TAGLIAVINI | Senior Advisor at The Cedar Portfolio and Member of the Advisory Council of the Center on Global Prosperity, Oakland, California

 ??  ?? Elon Musk
Elon Musk

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