Cape Argus

Academy achieves 100% pass rate


A KAYAMANDI-based tutoring and mentorship programme is celebratin­g achieving a resounding 100% matric pass rate in its first year of operation.

Founded by two Kayamandi youngsters, the Inkwenkezi Tutoring and Mentorship Programme has racked up praise for its efforts in supporting and tutoring 20 Kayamandi Grade 12 pupils throughout the stressful 2020 academic year, resulting in them all passing with distinctio­ns.

Programme co-founder and UCT final-year student Luxolo Copiso said he was extremely proud of the matriculan­ts, who worked hard and achieved amazing results despite the Covid-19 challenges hanging over their heads. Twenty-one-year-old Copiso said he and his partner had founded the programme to make a difference in the lives of their peers.

“I have always envisioned helping others where I could, because when I was in Grade 12 I had help and support. That is why my partner and I founded Inkwenkezi,” said Copiso.

“We began with only 20 pupils, tutoring and mentoring them in all subjects, after school and on weekends. We also mentored our members because the programme is more than just about school work; it’s a holistic program where we try to touch base on many aspects of life as young adults,” he said.

Co-founder of the tutoring initiative, Khangelani Mgoqi, said: “It’s amazing that we were able to achieve such good results during such unpreceden­ted times. It truly speaks to the hard work and dedication of the pupils we worked with, as well as our volunteers.”

Former Kayamandi Secondary School learner Asiphile Macozoma said: “I am very glad that I joined the programme last year. I raised all my marks and passed really well.”

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