Cape Argus




1 Confront with the equipment (6)

4 Is furious to find one’s been given a very short crew cut? (8)

10 A handbill telling you that shooting has begun (7)

11 Seeing that the note is genuine (7)

12 A sensible thing to have in the kitchen cupboard (4)

13 Said it’s definite (10)

16 I drone on about having helped with the housework (6)

17 Goes to the agent, on the side (7) 20 Upset when one revealed there was some content to it? (7)

21 About to put through to Gary (6)

24 With her, he arranged tours round: not very long (5,5)

25 Don’t go back to get the containers (4) 27 When the master returns, there’s only little to eat (7)

29 Punishment and the misdemeano­ur that caused it? (4,3)

30 Set off for school in time (8)

31 Fast victory in the rates conflict (6)


1 Uses long words? (5,3)

2 A new look that’s just what the doctor ordered? (6,2,3)

3 The name on the pad? (4)

5 Was annoyed at being hurled into the grass (8)

6 Strangely like one? (10)

7 Are in bed? I don’t believe it! (3)

8 Calm down, sweetheart! (6)

9 Most worried about the rain and the winds (5)

14 Not to let one out at one’s stop is to overdo it (5,3,3)

15 Determined to have and to make one’s home in (6,4)

18 Suggesting getting state aid in a major expense (8)

19 Keep, on the quiet, a spare (8)

22 Put away again when Dorothy’s about to return (6)

23 Tired-looking and oddly wan, is taken to the doctor (5)

26 How sound asleep one quickly is? (4) 28 Ready for collection (3)

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