Cape Argus




1 Left no alternativ­e but to pan film (6)

4 Thick roll sandwiched by commercial worker (8) 10 Proved to be manufactur­ed (6,3)

11 Some assassin in Japan (5)

12 Balance between gladioli bracts (5)

13 Cut back after public worked too hard (9)

14 Saint’s aura has oddly green light (7)

15 Left between rings in the city (6)

19 Slash crude production with first sign of explosion (6)

21 Mistaking any exit in one’s concern (7)

25 Hears poem in distress signal (9)

27 Gloomy doctor sitting beside listener (5)

28 Backing placebo medication to secure release from the services (5) 29 Boosted plain dessert to be flipped (7-2)

30 Stretches half the distance and winds up (8) 31 Medicine man to make imitation article (6)


1 Sums for children include algebra from the start (6) 2 Dismiss class agitator (9) 3 Seasoning duck with orange zest (7)

5 Beat up baseball player (6) 6 Endless number moving tons per head (7)

7 Hear a former mate can take without permission (5) 8 Sign of sorrow when parted or separated (8) 9 Officer broke collarbone when skipping bar (7) 16 Blighter lifting bananas in port (9)

17 Party leader lived and acted like one in authority (8) 18 Number entire ingredient­s after mixing in gram (7)

20 Equal to having hawser wrapped around a pinhead (7)

22 Holding office, department head was detailed and detailed (2,5) 23 Put out to carry out second hand (6)

24 Parent needs training like a hole in the head (6) 26 Childhood complaint about a silent appendix (5)

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