Cape Argus

Hamba kahle, Ronnie Govender


WORDS cannot describe the enormous sadness as we come to terms with losing Ronnie Govender, who has left an indelible mark on all our lives and will forever be part of everything we have achieved and everything we will strive for.

A name that is synonymous with a plethora of institutio­ns, Ronnie bequeathed a legacy to South Africa that is unsurpasse­d.

Ronnie was the ultimate renaissanc­e man of his generation. Talk of one man whose name cannot be forgotten as far as our rainbow nation’s theatre is concerned, and you must be referring to our late theatre guru Ronnie Govender, without any shadow of doubt the best of his time as a theatre practition­er. He was a colossus in every avenue of life, from theatre to politics; an activist who spoke out fearlessly against the atrocities of apartheid.

He was a man of unimpeacha­ble integrity, extremely discipline­d and had a charismati­c personalit­y.

The outpouring of fondness, love and emotion from the acting fraternity is a powerful testimony to how he was so warmly regarded and also his humility, warm and unique talent. He was truly a legend of the performing arts in our land.

His passion shone through everything he did, from theatre to politics and the enforcemen­t of human rights. He was ferocious and tireless in his beliefs.

Many of us view his volume of work with something like awe and feel great affection for the man himself. A doyen who possessed extreme knowledge in all the aspects of theatre.

His dedication was awe-inspiring, his smile contagious, his talents unreal. He radiated charisma and joy, and each time he took on an assignment, he created something truly indelible. A true visionary and icon of our generation. Hamba kahle, Ronnie Govender. End of an era, tearful goodbye, sir – you were life itself.


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RONNIE Govender

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