Cape Argus




“Simple Saturday” columns focus on basic technique and logical thinking.

If I could offer just one piece of advice on dummy play, it would be “Plan first.” Don’t proceed until you count winners or losers and devise a plan of play; don’t play even one card.

Today’s declarer ignored that idea. When West led the deuce of spades against four hearts, South promptly won with dummy’s king to lead the ten of trumps for a finesse. West took the king and led a diamond, and East won and returned the queen of spades. West ruffed South’s ace, and South had a spade loser. Down one. Singleton

West’s spade lead was a sure singleton, and after East overcalled at the two level, vulnerable, he was more likely to have the ace of diamonds than the king of trumps. So South should win the first spade with his ace and lead the ace and a low trump.

West wins and leads a diamond, and East wins and returns a spade, but when West ruffs, he is ruffing South’s spade loser. South has the rest. Daily Question

You hold: ♠ A 6 4 ♥ A J 9 3 2 ♦ K 7 ♣A K 9. The dealer, at your right, opens one diamond. You double, and your partner responds one spade. What do you say?

Answer: Many players tend to get carried away with strong hands. Your hand is powerful, but your opponent did open the bidding, and your partner may be broke. Bid two hearts. When you double before bidding a suit, you promise great strength. If you have a game, your partner will bid again. South dealer

Both sides vulnerable

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