Cape Argus




1 Get one used to the scout running about in the torn mac (8)

5 Look and sound a match for (6)

10 It won’t take you on a flight of fancy! (5,2,8)

11 The student, for an hour, performing carols outside (7)

12 Clean up the shade that’s been blackened (7)

13 In the pens, there’s a sleeping place for the dogs (8)

15 Points to the money being in Germany (5)

18 Separated for a bit (5)

20 The foreigner is the one giving The Saint the run-around. (8)

23 Creating a scene in the beginning to annoy one (7)

25 He is, in the later version, very down-toearth (7)

26 A very bad friend of yours? (3,5,3,4)

27 On the one hand, a concoction a vegetarian can eat (6)

28 Deduced the fin adjustment had been wrong (8)


1 About time to turn state witness (6)

2 A dance of little character and very repetitive (3-3-3)

3 What somebody with “it” wears (7)

4 Try to get one to take a bad return (5)

6 The feathers go a deep colour with time (7)

7 Why the case to be opened up is out (5)

8 Occupant of eleven, let out (8)

9 Goes to a hotel, or stops at home (6,2)

14 I had covered the Pinter play “Fearless” (8)

16 The shopkeeper who put one in one’s place? (9)

17 The “rail” of “raillery” is in. (8)

19 Offers, when there’s a rest-break, to stop inside (7)

21 Say about half your height (7)

22 Set off to go to the altar drunk (6)

24 In my belief, the Indian has had his day (5)

25 Weaving yarn round the hole in the material (5)

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