Cape Argus



WHEN you want to lead a country you have to do two things: talk to all its people and listen to all its people.

The evolution of industrial­isation, including the arrival of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, have done exactly what was done since the first industrial revolution in the 18th century: the “factorisat­ion” of people.

People are all put into factories. Labour camps. And from there, their value is determined. Very rarely does anyone move from factory floor to office floor.

Professor Charles Schwab warned that, while the Fourth Industrial Revolution had the potential to undo the damage of previous industrial revolution­s, he also had grave concerns that government­s may be “unable to adapt and that inequality may grow and societies fragment”.

As cities like Cape Town seek to become tech hubs and premier tourism destinatio­ns, the architects of this dream have it all based on the continued factory patterns of 18th-century industrial­isation.

The poor are simply there to produce but not participat­e. They will be fed but will not be listened to.

The most recent examples of the fragmentat­ion of our city is the extent to which the City will demonise inward migration of poor people but not the inward migration of the rich; will harass the poor for being without a physical place of residence but not tax the wealthy for having residences that stand empty; and will trim the verges of the suburbs of the wealthy but will allow children of the poor to die in open manholes.

Nationally, we have a government that is equally deaf to the plight of people.

And we have a Presidency that is acting as a labour broking agency for comprised cadres.

Where is the inclusive, consultati­ve government that both the City, Province and National Government talks about?

With elections around the corner, citizens have a choice: to continue putting in power those who continue to place the voices of poor people in the factories of industrial­isation or to elect citizens who will co-create a society that is built on respect, inclusivit­y, safety, justice, equity and prosperity for all.

My parents were both factory workers. I know the conversati­on they held when they came home. Frustratio­n, anger and powerlessn­ess were common themes of the exploitati­on they felt.

I recently stopped my car to give a ride to an old woman and her children who were hitch-hiking at the N2/ Suurbaak turn-off. She was hitching a ride to get to Swellendam to go to a moneylende­r for funds to pay her municipal bills. Her tears kept flowing as she spoke.

No aged person should be hitching on the N2 for money.

But the politics of factory-flooring poor people and not listening to their hardships is exactly why this country is increasing­ly divided.

Former post office chief executive Mark Barnes recently said South Africans are asked to make a living on R11.66 a day. That is what the R350 government disaster relief grant amounts to.

What our politician­s are doing to poor people is: impoverish­ing their existence, silencing their voices, and then promising them a better future at election times. And the cycle of oppression goes on.

The factory floor is filling up with anger and frustratio­n. So are the streets. If you don’t listen to people’s voices but simply want their votes, you are complicit in their oppression and exploitati­on. It’s time for new citizen leaders.

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