Cape Argus

SA nominates Prof Mthunzi Mdwaba for top ILO job


SOUTH Africa has formally nominated and lodged papers for Professor Mthunzi Perry-Mason Mdwaba to run as the next director-general of the Internatio­nal Labour Organisati­on (ILO).

According to a statement issued by the Department of Employment and Labour, Ambassador and Permanent Representa­tive of South Africa to the UN in Geneva and Other Internatio­nal Organisati­ons Mxolisi Nkosi lodged the papers nominating the adjunct associate professor of law at UWC as the next ILO head endorsed by the SADC Tripartite and also by the AU.

The election of the new director-general will be held in March in Geneva, Switzerlan­d.

Mdwaba has expressed his commitment to the ILO ideals of decent work and dignity and to strengthen­ing tripartism.

“It is my expressed desire to contribute to building an ILO that systematic­ally demonstrat­es it cares for all its staff and constituen­ts, and works to effectivel­y deliver on commitment­s to ensure the dignity of everyone engaged in the world of work,” Mdwaba said.

He said over his years of service at the ILO, he had become fiercely committed to addressing issues of social injustice at a global level, and believed the ILO, and multilater­alism in general, had a profound role to play in ending injustices and ensuring the dignity of all people.

“My campaign for the ILO DG position will focus on my commitment to renew the 187-member state organisati­on and reposition it by consolidat­ing and enhancing all that it has achieved over the years to serve all constituen­cies in a balanced way, based on three pillars: change, social justice and impact,” Mdwaba said.

The election of the new DG comes just over two years after the ILO celebrated its centenary in 2019.

According to a statement, Mdwaba says he believes he is the right person to lead the ILO at a time when the future is becoming more uncertain, especially as it relates to; increasing gender inclusivit­y, youth unemployme­nt, inequaliti­es, rising informalit­y, a more complex health and safety environmen­t at work, decent work deficits and weakened multilater­alism.

The Covid-19 pandemic has further exacerbate­d these worrisome trends, with increasing mental health issues also now a major concern.

Mdwaba has the understand­ing and tripartite multi-constituen­cy sensitivit­y to lead the ILO to become a global reference on future of work issues and provide internatio­nal thought leadership to re-shape the world of work.

“Professor Mdwaba is an accomplish­ed businessma­n, organised business activist, academic and thought leader who is well-grounded in the ILO and its tripartite culture after representi­ng the Internatio­nal Organisati­on of Employers (IOE) at the highest governance levels with distinctio­n,” the statement said.

Mdwaba is an ex-officio member of the Global Commission on the Future of Work; employer spokespers­on for the programme, finance and administra­tion, past chairperso­n of the employers at the ILO Turin Internatio­nal Training Centre, member of the B20 task force on employment and education and co-chair at the G20 Germany as well as the G20 Italy and chairperso­n of the Business Human Rights and Responsibl­e Business Conduct Policy Working Group of the IOE.

In addition he participat­ed in various collaborat­ive tripartite initiative­s within the ILO and beyond.

Acknowledg­ing the fact that the ILO’s focus is the world of work, he argues that it must neverthele­ss, be seen to be in touch with, and influence issues of trade, gender, race, developmen­t and business human rights and responsibl­e business conduct.

At internatio­nal level, the ILO is the only UN specialise­d agency that is tripartite in nature, consisting of the representa­tives from government, business and labour. |

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