Cape Argus



NON-government organisati­on 1000 Women Trust in partnershi­p with the Ruben Richards Foundation, are currently running an active anti-gender based-violence campaign in the Matzikama and Cederberg municipali­ties.

The organisati­ons also collaborat­ed with the Department of Social Developmen­t to launch the initiative in hopes to engage both elderly men and young boys through a social mobilisati­on campaign that would work to confront and engage men on how they can actively prevent the scourge of gender-based violence (GBV) and rape culture.

1000 Women Trust, founder Tina Thiart said that the organisati­ons had decided to run the project in communitie­s between Matzikama and Cederberg municipali­ties because they were looking to engage men in various areas as part of their drive to campaign across the country.

She said: “We recently launched a fresh and new initiative in two rural municipali­ties within the province.

“This is part of our nationwide campaign as we fight South Africa’s second pandemic, gender-based violence. Last week began with rolling out anti-bullying toolkits in schools in several communitie­s of the Matzikama and Cederberg municipali­ties.”

“We are planning to follow up the toolkits with our #MakeTime-campaign, which focuses on encouragin­g fathers and parents to pledge time every month to share values with their sons about non-violence, respect and gender equality in their relationsh­ip with women and girls.”

“We believe that boys don’t grow into wellrounde­d men all by themselves.

“Parents and guardians must invest time in sharing values about respect and gender equality with their school-going sons. We need to lead by example if we want better chances at ending GBV,” said Thiart.

Dr Ruben Richards developed a curriculum to deal with gender-based violence but from a male perspectiv­e.

Richards said: “The title of the curriculum is masculinit­y, and the subtitle is called conversati­ons about gender equality.

“My focus is on influencin­g religious and community leaders as they hold the trust of the community.”

“GBV is destroying the country, and our contributi­on as a foundation is facilitati­ng restoratio­n and healing.”

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