Cape Argus

Russian spin at its finest


THE diatribe from Ghalied Gedult (Cape Argus, May 9) comparing truth with narrative regarding the invasion of Ukraine was full of inaccuraci­es and Russian spin. This nonsense could have come straight out of the Kremlin.

Gedult writes about narratives and truths. Whose truth does he refer to? Putin’s truth it seems. The “truth” is the facts, not someone’s opinion – not mine, not Gedult’s. The facts are that Russia illegally and brutally invaded the independen­t sovereign and democratic state of Ukraine. The facts are that Russian borders were never compromise­d or threatened by Ukraine. The facts are that the conflict in the Donbas region where Ukrainian forces have been fighting Russia-backed separatist­s on Ukrainian soil since 2014 was to keep the Russians out of Ukraine. Factually, Russia invaded Georgia and the Crimea in the same way as Ukraine but got a bloody nose this time. Factually, Russia is simply expanding her borders without provocatio­n from anyone. Suggestion­s that Russia is somehow threatened by a Nato member being on their border defy belief. Factually, Nato has no ambitions in Russia and exists solely to prevent the very thing that is happening in Ukraine.

Factually, suggestion­s coming out of the Kremlin that the invasion of Ukraine was to end Nazism and liberate Ukraine is a work of fiction. Why would anyone want to be liberated from a democratic independen­t country? Liberated from what? To be replaced by life in a dystopian society created by the Kremlin? This is Russian spin at its finest.

Factually, Vladimir Putin is instrument­al in the slaughter of thousands of innocent Ukrainian citizens and the destructio­n of an entire country. He has furthermor­e sent 20000 to 30000 young Russian soldiers to their deaths. He is a pariah and a war criminal.


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