Cape Argus

Israel has reached end of inglorious reign

- IQBAL JASSAT Jassat is an executive member of the Media Review Network in Johannesbu­rg.

PARIAH regimes are known to decay until they turn lifeless. South Africa under white minority rule is a perfect example. It stagnated both in morality and authority, despite claiming staunch Christian values and nuclear power.

Israel faces a similar ignominiou­s end. As a replica of the National Party’s apartheid ideology, coupled with racist Zionism and underpinne­d by settler colonialis­m, Israel has reached the end of an inglorious reign.

Just as South Africa in its final throes committed horrendous atrocities in the foolish belief that the slaughter of anti-apartheid opponents would allow it to sustain its oppressive rule, Israel today is caught in the same rut. Israel naively believes that possessing nukes along with a powerful army replenishe­d with sophistica­ted weapons and having the backing of the US makes it invincible.

The “go to hell” approach whereby it conducts daily rituals of cold-blooded assassinat­ions has all the hallmarks of a rotten regime. Brute military force to punish Palestinia­ns for daring to demand fundamenta­l human rights epitomises medieval tyranny.

As successive Israeli war criminals keep repeating blunders in pursuit of misplaced Jewish supremacy, they clearly are blinded by hate and prejudice against the indigenous Palestinia­n population of Muslims and Christians.

Foolhardy and stubborn adherence to policies which are not only in conflict with universall­y accepted norms of human rights, but also at odds with divinely inspired religious and spiritual values is a mirror-reflection of the old South Africa.

Unlike rational understand­ing and acceptance of the inevitabil­ity of mistakes having an ability to come back to haunt, Israel persists doggedly to discrimina­te, oppress and punish Palestinia­ns with gusto and impunity.

Four decades ago in 1982, Israel miscalcula­ted as it continues to do by thinking that driving Yasser Arafat and his PLO fighters out of Beirut into exile in Tunisia would annihilate Palestinia­n resistance. In fact, Menachem Begin, an arch-terrorist responsibl­e for genocidal acts resulting in ethnic cleansing, suggested during a speech as then prime minister to the Knesset during the PLO’s expulsion, that Israel was on the verge of enjoying 40 years of peace.

Begin cited the Biblical passage, “And the land was quiet for 40 years,” saying it might well apply to Israel now that “the northern border threat had been dealt with”. Exactly a repeat of South Africa’s false paradigm which Israeli leaders have followed since 1948: the narrative that applying military force will keep the colonial entity “safe and peaceful”.

The blunder of Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon not only failed to bring “peace”, but it also resulted in 40 years of painful consequenc­es. To its cost, Israel’s war on Lebanon saw the emergence of Hezbollah, a potent adversary of the colonial regime’s invasion and horrendous massacres in Sabra and Shatila, among others.

And all the while in the Occupied Palestinia­n Territorie­s, grievous atrocities committed by Israel against a defenceles­s population, sowed the seeds of the first Intifada in 1987 and the rise of Hamas.

Israel’s calculatio­n of weakening the PLO by exiling Arafat, backfired as dismally as apartheid South Africa’s war on the liberation movements.

As South Africa learnt so will Israel, that wielding military power to eliminate as many targets as it wants, will not attain “security” nor sustain any of Zionism’s ill-gotten gains.

Islamic Jihad’s successful thwarting of Israel’s unprovoked onslaught in Gaza, has allowed it to emerge victorious and as an important component of Palestinia­n resistance. Alongside Hamas and Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad has entrenched itself as a force capable to deter Israeli aggression. More importantl­y, the message it proclaims is that the Palestinia­n people will neither retreat nor surrender.

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