Cape Argus

Fans, young players spend a day with rugby’s ‘Beast’


A SMALL group of avid rugby fans and junior players received a once-ina-lifetime experience of an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the Cape Town Stadium led by one of South Africa’s most famed rugby players – the “Beast”.

Tendai “Beast” Mtawarira gave the group a raw look into his personal life and journey through the stadium tour yesterday, taking them to see areas mostly inaccessib­le to the everyday spectator.

The tour was made possible through a competitio­n held by AEG South Africa, of which Mtawarira is a brand ambassador.

The empty arena provided an intimate backdrop for one-on-one questions and photo opportunit­ies.

The group was able to take the same route as profession­al players would from the moment the team’s bus arrives at the Team A entrance to the changing rooms to the tunnel through to the stadium.

The former Springbok prop shared pre- and post -game traditions, including their full body submersion­s in ice water.

Langa rugby student Katlego Nxazonke from Curro Delft High School said: “It’s quite an experience being here because I get to actually meet a Springbok player that I’ve been watching for the longest time.

“My teammates and I have always dreamt of becoming Springbok players so this is the start of that and we started playing rugby this year.

“Being in this space is actually a peak opportunit­y.”

Mtawarira said the biggest challenge was taking losses. “That was something I struggled with. I almost got into a state of depression after we lost a match. I started to actually work on it very early on in my career. Things happen for a reason and sometimes a loss is a win because you can learn a lot, you can grow from it.”

One of the scariest moments? “As an athlete, you never want to hear that your heart is malfunctio­ning. That was a tough moment for me but I also learnt a lot and grew.”

The Zimbabwean-South African’s profession­al rugby career spanned 13 years, with the former Sharks and Springbok player now working on a special wine collection.

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