Cape Argus




“I may be a loser,” Unlucky Louie told me, “but I pay my losses with a smile.” “You’re lucky,” I said dryly. “My opponents insist on cash.”

Louie was declarer at today’s six spades. North’s raise to five spades asked Louie to bid slam if he could stop East-West from taking two fast hearts. West led his singleton heart: seven, nine, ace. Louie drew trumps and next tried a club to dummy’s jack, hoping for a heart discard. East won and took his king of hearts.

“I wish for once my bank account would be overfilled, not overdrawn,” Louie sighed. Last Diamond

After Louie draws trumps, he can take the top diamonds, ruff dummy’s last diamond and cash the A-K of clubs. He is home when East’s queen falls, but if East-West played low, Louie would lead dummy’s jack, pitching a heart. If West won, he would have to concede a ruff-sluff.

Louie succeeds when West has the queen of clubs or when East has Q-x. (If East held 7 6, K J 10 9 6 5, J 10, Q 9 7, Louie could make the slam with astute play.)

Daily Question

You hold: ♠ 10 8 3 2 ♥ Q 8 7 ♦ A K 6 ♣ AK J. You open 1NT, your partner responds two clubs, you bid two spades and he bids three diamonds. What do you say?

Answer: You’ll have to tell me; the answer depends on your partnershi­p’s agreements. Some pairs treat this sequence as invitation­al to game, suggesting a hand such as 4, A J 9 4, Q J 9 7 4 3, 7 6. Others treat it as forcing or to sign off with a weak hand. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page. East dealer

Both sides vulnerable

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