Cape Argus

Homeless attracted by call of the wild


ONE of the biggest social issues here in the Western Cape is homeless residents who take shelter on public land and private property.

Numerous attempts via the legal route and offers of shelter fall on deaf ears as the homeless prefer their own housing with plastics and any recyclable items.

The offer of shelter with almosthome comforts and reuniting with family are discarded with contempt.

I want to voice an opinion on the reason why we have homeless persons and my conclusion is the call of the wild and freedom.

Why do I make this assumption? I was a police officer for almost 26 years in Table Bay Harbour and I was appointed to deal with prostitute­s.

I also had to deal with the homeless. I was forced to arrest or have them arrested for trespassin­g but in dealing with the homeless, I gained respect for them as fellow human beings.

I tried twice to get two homeless ladies to work as domestics on my parents’ smallholdi­ng with a servants’ quarters, a wage and food and they were treated with respect, but on the first weekend off they would not return – they would prefer their freedom and homeless friends.

I realised that the homeless are attracted to the wild, open spaces, without rules, doing what they want to when they want to, whether legal or illegal.

If confined to a shelter or family home, there are rules and regulation­s that restrict their freedom.

I realised that no force or law will prevent a homeless person from giving up their freedom and the call of the wild is unbreakabl­e and is only given up when death intervenes.

The City Fathers must take heed and find a way to accommodat­e the homeless, their need for freedom and offer something similar.

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