Cape Argus



SINCE the advent of humanity, there has been a struggle for human beings to survive. Living among a huge variety of plants and other animals, humans have been confronted with survival. Darwin spoke about the survival of the fittest among living organisms. I think it is still true today.

In our modern world, we look at where we are. At present, there is the survival of the fittest between the West and East. Where will this all end? Should there not be working together between the West and the East so that we can all survive comfortabl­y?

At present, we have a war in Ukraine. Ukraine accuses Russia of destabilis­ing its country. Russia accuses Ukraine of oppressing its community in Ukraine. The West supports Ukraine, while Russia has the support of the East. Iran is accused of supporting Russia. Young people are sent to war to support either the East or West. Even within countries, there are conflictin­g ideologies. This past week, there was a seminar dealing with the political views of the late Dr Neville Alexander at UCT. He certainly believed in equality for everyone in the world, and UCT must be lauded for naming its education faculty after him. Schools in South Africa should be exposed to his ideas on an equal society.

During his time, he was one of the few intellectu­als in the countyr who willingly accepted invitation­s to address high school students.

He also said, at the advent of the so-called democracy in South Africa in 1994, that we just had a short time to change the country. If we look back over the last 28 years, Alexander seems to be correct.

Every day one is confronted with the argument that we cannot use mass meetings and marches to bring about change in countries. We must use other methods, such as propaganda by electronic means, as was brought about in Egypt in the Arab Spring, yet we have a dictatorsh­ip in Egypt with many people detained.

Electronic media helps, but it is the building of strong non-racial organisati­ons that will lead to the destructio­n of authoritar­ian regimes where people can live in peace in the West and East.

In South Africa, before 1994, we built powerful non-racial organisati­ons that shook the National Party government. In our schools, teacher organisati­ons must speak out against the injustices against staff, parents and students. Only through strong staff organisati­ons, parent organisati­ons and student organisati­ons will we see a freer world. A people united can never be defeated. Victory is ours.

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