Cape Argus

Debt scandal trial nears end


A COURT began handing down verdicts yesterday in Mozambique’s biggest corruption scandal, in which the government unleashed a financial earthquake by trying to conceal huge debts.

Judge Efigenio Baptista started reading out the verdicts for the 19 high-profile accused, who include the son of a former president. The session is expected to last five days.

The scandal arose after state-owned companies in the country illicitly borrowed $2 billion in 2013 and 2014 from internatio­nal banks to buy a tuna-fishing fleet and surveillan­ce vessels. The government concealed the loans from parliament and the public.

When the “hidden debt” finally surfaced in 2016, donors including the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) cut off financial support, triggering a sovereign debt default and currency collapse.

An independen­t audit found $500 million of the loans had been diverted. The money remains unaccounte­d for.

Former finance minister Manuel Chang, who signed off the loans, has been held in South Africa since 2018, pending extraditio­n to the US for allegedly using the US financial system to carry out the fraudulent scheme.

Former president Armando Guebuza, who was in office when the loans were contracted, testified at the trial.

He was not been charged himself, but his eldest son Ndambi was in the dock along with 18 other accused.

The ex-president attended yesterday’s proceeding­s and his son, dressed in orange prison garb, walked up to him to greet him.

Judge Baptista listed some of the assets acquired by Guebuza’s son using the $33m bribe he allegedly received. They included luxury cars and a R10m mansion in South Africa.

About 100 people sat in the special courtroom, set up in a white marquee on the grounds of a high-security jail in Maputo to accommodat­e the large number of accused, their lawyers and other parties. Local civil society organisati­ons and anti-corruption activists have called for tough sentences.

“The conviction must be strong enough so that it is not annulled or significan­tly reduced in an appeal court,” said Borges Nhamirre, a researcher at the anti-corruption non-profit watchdog Public Integrity Centre.

But Adriano Nuvunga, head of a rights group called the Centre for Democracy and Developmen­t, predicted the sentences would be “politicall­y rigged”.

The accused face charges that include blackmail, counterfei­ting, embezzleme­nt and money laundering.

The trial started in August last year and ran until March.

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