Cape Argus



- the month of fasting- is linked with ÃiÛiÀ> È}˜ˆwV>˜Ì …ˆÃ̜ÀˆV> ÃVÀˆ«ÌÕÀ> iÛi˜Ìð /…i most important of which is the revelation of the Noble Quran, by which God informs us that Muslims are part of a continuum of scriptural­ly obedient «iœ«i vÀœ“ ̅i `>ܘ œv ̅i wÀÃÌ …Õ“>˜°

/œ Li œv ̅i º"t ÞœÕ Ü…œ LiˆiÛi»] ÀiµÕˆÀià >˜ i݈ÃÌi˜Ìˆ> VÀˆÌiÀˆœ˜ ̜Ü>À`à ÜVˆ> ÕÃ̈Vi] ܅ˆV… is harnessed by intensifyi­ng taqwa (the active Ãiv‡Vœ˜ÃVˆœÕØiÃà œv Ƃ>…à «œÜiÀ «ÀiÃi˜Vi ˆ˜ œÕÀ lives), as well as establishi­ng co-existence whereby VœÀÀiV̈Ûi ÕÃ̈Vi ˆÃ ˆ˜Ìi}À>Ìi` ˆ˜Ìœ ̅i Ài>̜À½Ã >Üð

Our current condition of social imbalances, œ`à iµÕˆˆLÀ>̈˜} vœÀVi ˆÃ ViÀÌ>ˆ˜Þ `Õi œ˜ i>À̅° Whilst billions of Muslims have been fasting for scores of years on end, and there is little to no V…>˜}i ˆ˜ ̅i Ü>Þ Ì…i ܜÀ` À՘ð /…iÀi ˆÃ `iw˜ˆÌiÞ a performati­ve measure that requires Muslims to go further than a surface-level fasting that takes little Vœ}˜ˆÃ>˜Vi œv ̅i Ài> ܜÀ` ̅iÞ ˆÛi ˆ˜°

For the sake of progress, let us take a leaf from ̅i «>}ià œv ̅i wÀÃÌ }i˜iÀ>̈œ˜ œv Õψ“à >˜` ̅i Prophet ( ®° ƂÌ “œÃÌ Ì…iÞ v>ÃÌi` ˜ˆ˜i ,>“>`>>˜à together, but what kind of change did the entire world see from that collective total of about 270 days?

/…i i>ÀÞ Õψ“à }>ˆ˜i` > …iˆ}…Ìi˜i` Vœ˜ÃVˆœÕØiÃà `ÕÀˆ˜} ,>“>`>>˜] >˜` vœÀ ̅i ÀiÃÌ œv the year they ensured that those in the world around }>ˆ˜i` vÀii`œ“ vÀœ“ ̅i Å>VŽià œv œ««ÀiÃȜ˜° /…iÞ vœÕ}…Ì ̅iˆÀ ˆ˜ÌiÀ˜> >ÌÌ>V…“i˜Ìà ̜ ̅i ܜÀ` ˆ˜ ,>“>`>>˜] >˜` vœÀ ̅i ˜iÝÌ ££ “œ˜Ì…Ã] vœÕ}…Ì those who would bind the mass of people to worldly policies of corruption, greed, tyranny, and œ««ÀiÃȜ˜°

/…ÕÃ] ˆÌ ˆÃ ˜œÌ ̅i ˜Õ“LiÀ œv Õψ“à ܅œ >Ài fasting, it is whether those fasting can get together ÌÕ«œ˜ > Ș}Տ>À `ˆÀiV̈œ˜> VœÕÀÃi°

,>“>`>>˜ ˆÃ >˜ >˜˜Õ> ÌÀ>ˆ˜ˆ˜} }ÀœÕ˜` vœÀ ̅i soul, as Muslims, we learn the need for a strong ëˆÀˆÌ] > ÃÌÀœ˜} ܈] >˜` > ÃÌÀœ˜} Ãiv‡`iÌiÀ“ˆ˜>̈œ˜° /…ˆÃ ˆÃ ˆ˜ `ˆÀiVÌ Vœ˜ÌÀ>ÃÌ Ìœ > ÃÌÀœ˜} Lœ`Þ Ì…>Ì Ì…i «…ÞÈV> >VÌ œv v>Ã̈˜} “>Þ LÕÀ`i˜° /À>ˆ˜ˆ˜} ˜œÀ“>Þ ÀiÃՏÌà ˆ˜ ̅i >V̈œ˜Ã i>À˜Ì ̜ Li vՏwi` >vÌiÀ] >˜` >à ÃÕV…] Õψ“à ŜՏ` vՏw ̅iˆÀ ÜVˆ> Ài뜘ÈLˆˆÌˆià Liޜ˜` ,>“>`>>˜°

>ۈ˜} >V…ˆiÛi` > …iˆ}…Ìi˜i` iÛi œv œ` consciousn­ess is not only supposed to make the Muslims think with one mind, but moreover is supposed to put all humanity on a synergisti­c pursuit œv ÜVˆ> ÕÃ̈ViAE "˜i Ài>̜À] "˜i …Õ“>˜ˆÌÞ >˜` œ˜i Vœ`i œv ˆvi°

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