Cape Argus



SœVˆiÌÞ …>à ̅i «ÀˆÛˆi}i >˜` `ÕÌÞ œv V>Ài° /…ˆÃ ˆÃ LiÃÌ V>ÀÀˆi` œÕÌ Ì…ÀœÕ}… ̅i investment in the self, community, and the environmen­t. The past few years have Lii˜ > …>ÀÅ iÃܘ ˆ˜ …œÜ ˜i}iV̈˜} >˜Þ œv ̅iÃi ܈ i>` ̜ > `ii«i˜ˆ˜} ÜVˆ> >˜` economic loss.

This year’s Spar Cape Town Ramadaan and ˆviÃÌޏi Ý«œ ܈ œ˜Vi >}>ˆ˜ ܜÀŽ ̜ ÃÕ««œÀÌ local industry and the community, all under the banner of wholesome family fun.

Ƃ˜` Üi½Ûi ˜œÌi` ̅ÀœÕ}… …œÜ ̅i iÝ«œ …>à }ÀœÜ˜ ̅>Ì Ì…ˆÃ Vœ““Õ˜ˆÌÞ œÛià ̜ Li œÕÌ`œœÀÃ] i˜œÞà ÜVˆ>ˆÃˆ˜}] >˜` }œœ` vœœ` >˜` entertainm­ent. All these will be in abundance at the Old Mutual Sports Ground in Pinelands.

7i½Ài >Ãœ iÛiˆ˜} Õ« ̅>Ì ÃÕ««œÀÌ vœÀ œV> ˆ˜`ÕÃÌÀÞ LÞ «ÀœÛˆ`ˆ˜} > ë>Vi >Ì Ì…ˆÃ «Ài“ˆiÀ iÛi˜Ì ̜ «iœ«i ܅œ …>Ûi ÕÃÌ ÃÌ>ÀÌi` Ãiˆ˜} ̅iˆÀ …œ“i L>Ži` }œœ`Ã] œÀ ̅iˆÀ …>˜`‡VÀ>vÌi` `œˆˆið iÀi they’ll be able to attract a variety of clients from all corners of the Cape.

So when you join us at the Spar Cape Town ,>“>`>>˜ >˜` ˆviÃÌޏi Ý«œ] ÞœÕ >Ài ˆ˜ÛiÃ̈˜} ˆ˜ ޜÕÀ Vœ““Õ˜ˆÌÞ] >˜` ޜսÀi ˆ˜ÛiÃ̈˜} ˆ˜ > LÀœ>`V>ÃÌiÀ ̅>Ì …>à Vœ˜ÃˆÃÌi˜ÌÞ ܜÀŽi` ̜ improve its quality and uplift its listeners.

,>`ˆœ ÇnÈ `œià ˜œÌ Ì>Ži ̅>Ì Ài뜘ÈLˆˆÌÞ ˆ}…̏ÞAE œÕÀ Ìi>“ ÃÌÀˆÛià ̜ i˜ÃÕÀi ̅>Ì > Vœ˜Ìi˜Ì produced for you, whether it is on 100.4fm, www., or our social media platforms, ˆÃ VÀi`ˆLi] …œ˜iÃÌ] >˜` ˆ˜vœÀ“>̈Ûi° /…ÀœÕ}… >V…ˆiۈ˜} ̅>Ì L>>˜Vi] œÕÀ ˆÃÌi˜iÀà >Ài i“«œÜiÀi` ̜ i˜}>}i ˆ˜ ÜVˆiÌÞ >˜` V>ÀÀÞ œÕÌ that duty of care in their respective environmen­ts and communitie­s.

Come to the Spar Cape Town Ramadaan and Lifestyle Expo at the Old Mutual Sports

ÀœÕ˜`à ˆ˜ *ˆ˜i>˜`à œ˜ ̅i Î] {] x >ÀV… q “>Ži ޜÕÀ Vœ˜ÌÀˆLṎœ˜ …i>À` >˜` viÌ] ܅ˆi i˜œÞˆ˜} yourself in true Capetonian fashion.

Radio 786 Committee Chairman

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