Cape Argus


- By Shu’eib Hassen

The collective self-change promises to be a better Muslim for Ramadaan is no stranger to us. It is so well packaged and wrapped in good intention that we believe its achievemen­t before its action. The potential complete change of character lost in catchphras­es of “tomorrow” instead of “now” becomes a staple diet without the necessary nutrition. It essentiall­y requires a habit to effectivel­y engage against the odds of previous routines. A habit that is cognisant action ensconced with agency to resist negative interventi­ons.

Psychology Professors Bas Verplanken and Sheina Orbell (2022) postulate that attitudina­lly driven behaviour change does not consolidat­e into lasting habits, especially without “contingent automatici­ty, namely consistent repetition in a stable, friction-minimizing context”. The Ramadaan attempt of everything produces a psycho-social environmen­t of nothing due to the combined (1) temporal +/- 30-day period, (2) lack of implemente­d stringent routine, (3) planning, not compensati­ng for the already existing daily structure, and (4) the detriments of previous habits. This unsuccessf­ul behaviour change results in lethargic reactions from suhoor to iftar. At best, it is a spiritual anaestheti­c refugee unable to truly bring Ramadaan home.

Furthermor­e, Mazar et al. (2022), argues that habits are greater reinforced “in concert with goal pursuit.” Accomplish­ments provide a narrative for reward action and the likely repeat thereof. Thus, goal orientatio­n is only a motivator and not a guarantee for reoccurren­ce. The increased possibilit­y of repeated successes greatly impacts the grounding of a habit.

The path forward is a habit of one. Islam’s religio-social construct of sincerity (al-ikhlas) in action embeds cognitive moderation that reaches further than intended. For instance, to give charity sincerely requires understand­ing the recipient(s) and their respective sociologic­al context, gratitude for material and intangible wealth, patience with the process and those involved within it, and most ˆ“«œÀÌ>˜ÌÞ > ˜ÕÀÌÕÀˆ˜} Ãiv‡ÀiyiV̈œ˜°

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