Cape Argus

Is SA ready to sustain huge losses in DRC?

- SILENCE CHARUMBIRA Journalist; former deputy editor of the Lesotho Times and Sunday Express in Lesotho. Charumbira writes here in his personal capacity.

THE SANDF, which is part of the Southern African Developmen­t Community (SADC) mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), suffered its first casualties last month with the death of two soldiers and the injury of three others in a mortar bomb attack.

Critics have said that the SANDF is not in the DRC to protect the Congolese or fight rebel groups like M23. They say this is a nefarious operation in which SADC forces have been deployed to fight Congolese citizens.

An unnamed South African legislator has reportedly said the South African troops were sent to the DRC to protect mines “so that Cyril Ramaphosa and his cronies could plunder the minerals in the east of the country with ease”.

What is more, the SADC seems to be making the same mistake it did in a similar situation 11 years ago, when it hurriedly sent troops to the DRC with no plan in place for finding a lasting solution.

Back in 2013, the rebels were defeated and moved to other regions, but they returned three years ago. This is akin to treating the symptoms but ignoring the disease. It would be more prudent to resolve the grievances of the M23 rebels and start protecting the rights of the Congolese Tutsis, for whose sake the M23 rebels are fighting.

The SANDF mission is reportedly to assist the Congolese government in restoring peace and security in the eastern part of the country.

The SANDF confirmed that a mortar bomb landed inside one of the South African contingent’s military bases last month. As a result of this indirect fire, the SANDF suffered two fatalities and three of its members sustained injuries.

While addressing the deployment, Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs Christophe Lutundula said: “The main objective of the SADC force is defeating the M23 rebellion.”

Before its deployment, the SADC had claimed it would work with the Congolese army to combat all negative armed groups in the eastern DRC. However, with the Congolese government’s help, the force’s primary mission has shifted to attacking only the M23 rebels.

That South Africa has suffered casualties this early in the mission is unfortunat­e. The question is whether Pretoria was ready to sustain such losses.

Peacekeepi­ng missions are crucial because they are the most practical way to stabilise a territory. But is South Africa’s involvemen­t in the DRC sincere? To retain credibilit­y, the country’s leaders must justify the deployment of the SANDF forces in the eastern DRC.

In 2013, the force interventi­on brigade from the SADC region – comprising troops from Malawi, Tanzania and South Africa – defeated the M23 rebels. The group then fled to Rwanda and Uganda, but it resumed fighting in late 2021.

Thus, more than a decade ago the SADC defeated the rebel group, but it has still come back fighting. Just who are these rebels that the SADC forces are fighting and why have they taken up arms again?

Who are the M23 rebels?

The March 23 Movement (M23) is a Congolese rebel group founded in 2012. The rebels have many grievances that have not been addressed by their government. One of them is the continued harassment, persecutio­n, and killing of Kinyarwand­a-speaking communitie­s, especially the Congolese Tutsis.

Unlike other militia, the M23 rebels are fighting their government because it has deprived its own people, the Congolese Tutsis, of their right to citizenshi­p for decades. Congolese Tutsi and Rwandaphon­es continue to be killed, and this has reached the point of genocide. The only protection they receive is from the M23 rebels.

The government in Kinshasa, as well as previous regimes, deliberate­ly refused to recognise the rebels are legitimate Congolese citizens. Whenever there is a political crisis, Kinshasa claims these insurgents are Rwandans simply because they speak the same language as the people of Rwanda.

The M23 rebels are fighting an existentia­l threat posed by the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), a Rwandan genocidal militia formed by the remnants of the criminals who perpetrate­d the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda.

For nearly three decades, this Rwandan genocidal militia has spread its deadly genocide ideology in the region. As a result, Congolese government officials, army officers and ordinary citizens harass, kill and brand Congolese Tutsis as “foreigners”. This is another problem that Africa must rid itself of.

This situation of insecurity in the eastern DRC has led to an influx of refugees. By February last year, the UN Refugee Agency reported more than one million Congolese refugees and asylum-seekers in countries bordering the DRC, with nearly 479 400 – half of them – sheltered in Uganda. Another 87 500 are scattered in Burundi, while 80 000 have sought refuge in Tanzania and elsewhere. Most of these refugees are Kinyarwand­a-speaking Congolese, and especially Tutsis. Some of them have spent more than 20 years in refugee camps and wish for nothing more than to return home and live peacefully in their home country.

The Congolese government has failed to solve any of these grievances, prompting the M23 rebels to take up an armed struggle.

Deployment of SADC troops

However, Kinshasa has dismissed the claims of the rebels, branded them terrorists and said they are being supported by Rwanda. This is an allegation Kigali has vehemently denied.

With dialogue being out of the question, the Congolese government has decided to fight the M23 rebels militarily, with the help of the SADC.

With the help of the Congolese national army, the SADC forces’ primary mission is fighting the M23 rebels, completely disregardi­ng the other armed groups that exceed 260 in number which are operating in the eastern DRC and committing atrocities against civilians daily.

Fighting the M23 without addressing the root causes of their fight against their government is only escalating instabilit­y and violence. The deployment of South African forces shows that the SADC is not looking for peace in the DRC.

The M23 rebellion is a Congolese internal problem. The rebels have taken up arms to make their government listen to them and meet their demands. However, the SADC is fighting Congolese citizens, fuelling more violence.

The southern African bloc should genuinely examine why the M23 rebels have resumed fighting after their defeat more than a decade ago.

The SADC must learn from past mistakes and ensure a comprehens­ive and lasting solution to the situation. Simply deploying troops without addressing the underlying grievances and causes of the conflict will only lead to a temporary resolution.

The SADC should focus on resolving the grievances of the M23 rebels by engaging in dialogue and negotiatio­ns to understand their concerns. By addressing the root causes of the conflict, such as political marginalis­ation or ethnic tensions, the SADC could work towards a more sustainabl­e solution.

Additional­ly, it is crucial to address the concerns of the Congolese Tutsis, for whose sake the M23 rebels are fighting. This could involve ensuring their rights and representa­tion within the political system, promoting inclusivit­y and addressing discrimina­tion or marginalis­ation they may face. By addressing these grievances, the SADC could help to create a more inclusive and stable environmen­t in the region.

The focus should be on finding a lasting solution, rather than treating the symptoms of the conflict.

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 ?? | AFP ?? PALLBEARER­S carry the coffin of SANDF Lance Corporal Thabang Semono, who was killed during a mortar attack in the Democratic Republic of Congo, at his funeral in Pretoria earlier this month.
| AFP PALLBEARER­S carry the coffin of SANDF Lance Corporal Thabang Semono, who was killed during a mortar attack in the Democratic Republic of Congo, at his funeral in Pretoria earlier this month.

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