Cape Argus



The Bulgarian GM Veselin Topalov and his influentia­l manager Silvio Danialov paid a visit to Wales a few years ago where they were entertaine­d by a former SA chess circuit player, Tim Kett. Now residing in Cardiff, Tim, who has represente­d Wales in numerous Olympiads, sent the following report after hosting them both for dinner in an official capacity.

‘Veselin chose the Soup of the Day followed by Salmon with a lemon garnish, new potatoes and seasonal veg. To drink he had a glass of Chilean Merlot. His charming compatriot Silvio started with Caesar Salad and continued with Chicken Kiev, washed down with a pint of the appropriat­ely named local brew, Brains Best Bitter (I kid you not – that is the name of the main Cardiff Brewing company). They both were polite about the fare – well the Welsh Chess Union was picking up the tab.

It was a bit surreal – and excellent fun of course – but what the day taught me most of all was that their chess world is in a sad state right now. The whole trip was supposed to be about the Chess in Schools program but it was clear from the off that – despite the recent “landmark European Parliament motion” we’re still millions of miles from getting any funding or proper traction on this.

When asked about what was next on the playing agenda the answer was “not much. No tournament­s these days. Sponsors are drying up. Linares is no longer. We thought Nanjing would survive at least, but that’s not on this year and even Wijk aan Zee doesn’t look so secure – and I’m never going get an invite to London (he went on to get an invite to the event where he finished in last place). I’ll play the Olympiad but other than that – not much”. He is a bit far away and other-worldly at times, but you can see there’s someone underneath the cool exterior who wants to be a popular, nice guy.’

Here we see Topalov use a familiar mating theme to finish off a former world champion.

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