Cape Argus

Dodging engagement ring scams

- MEG STEYN Steyn is a diamond expert at GoldTrust.

IT’S ALWAYS heartbreak­ing when a client comes to us, and we have to inform them that a diamond is not what they thought it was.

With the rise of synthetic diamonds and the vast price difference between them and natural diamonds, it has become easier to find those shopping for engagement rings being misled. Even diamond machines costing hundreds of thousands of rand misidentif­y diamonds, which is part of the problem.

To prevent potential engagement ring scams and diamond shoppers, I identified and debunked six of the most common DIY diamond tests their customers have told them. Our goal is to empower shoppers with the right informatio­n, ensuring they make informed decisions when they’re shopping for the perfect engagement ring.

The dot test: A common DIY authentici­ty test involves drawing a small dot on a piece of paper, placing the diamond upside down on the dot, and attempting to see the dot through the diamond. If you can see a clear dot, the theory suggests it might be fake, as a real diamond’s refractive properties should scatter the light, making the dot invisible. However, this test is not foolproof, especially with high-quality fakes or certain diamond cuts. It should be used as a preliminar­y test, not a definitive one.

Scratch test with glass: Some believe that if a diamond can scratch glass, it must be real. While diamonds are indeed one of the hardest natural substances, this method can damage the stone and is not foolproof.

Water test for density: It’s hard to believe, but we’ve had several customers mention this one. The water test involves dropping a diamond into a glass of water to see if it sinks. Diamonds have a high density, so they will sink, but so will many other materials, making this test unreliable for verifying a diamond’s authentici­ty.

Looking through the diamond to read text: Similar to the dot test, another myth suggests that if you can read text through a diamond, it’s fake. The theory is based on the diamond’s refractive properties. However, the ability to read text through a diamond can depend on the cut, size, and quality of the diamond, making this an unreliable test.

The sparkle test: There’s a misconcept­ion that the more a diamond sparkles, the more authentic it is. While diamonds are known for their brilliant sparkle, many factors influence this, including the cut and setting.

Certificat­es can’t be faked: Some consumers believe that the presence of a diamond certificat­e is a guarantee of its authentici­ty. While certificat­es from reputable laboratori­es significan­tly reduce the risk of fraud, it’s crucial to verify the certificat­e’s authentici­ty, as counterfei­t certificat­es exist.

The only way to know for sure you know what you are buying, is to check the authentici­ty of a diamond certificat­e. To ensure a certificat­e’s legitimacy, verify its origin from a reputable gemologica­l institute like the GIA or EGL. If in doubt, have the diamond appraised by an independen­t certified gemologist.

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