Cape Argus

Israel’s ultimate goal is annihilati­on of Palestinia­ns


ALONG with the rest of the world I have watched the war in Palestine unfold. Some will argue that the invasion of Hamas into Israel on October 7 started this war. That could not be further from the truth. History books tell a different story.

In 1948 Israel in its quest to create an Israeli state forcibly displaced more than 750 000 Palestinia­ns and destroyed more than 500 villages and neighbourh­oods. That, dear readers, was the start of this war.

For more than 75 years Israel has kept its foot on the tiger’s neck (the Palestinia­n people). I quote Vin Diesel, “The problem with putting your foot on a tiger’s neck is you can never let it up”.

On October 7, 2023, Israel took its foot off the tiger’s neck. The world saw that “hell hath no fury” like a tiger imprisoned, beaten, tormented and brutalised for more than seven decades.

In response, the genocidal maniac Netanyahu opened the gates of hell on the Palestinia­n nation under the guise of retaliatio­n for the Hamas invasion. Look closer and one will see Israel was complicit on this day.

Where was the ‘Iron Dome’? Where were the IDF border patrols? Why did it take IDF soldiers several hours to reach the kibbutzim that was attacked?

The land, sea and air invasion by Hamas was executed with military precision without sophistica­ted weaponry, tanks etc. Where was Israeli intelligen­ce?

All these failures from one of the supposed most sophistica­ted armies in the world beggars belief.

How does a people who survived the attempted exterminat­ion of their own race during the Jewish Holocaust justify the wholesale slaughter of almost 34 000 people (mainly woman and children) in the name of justice? Worse still, how do those countries who have the power to end this genocide stand idly by while bickering about what should and could be done?

The Israelis who died were simply collateral damage to their government. The ultimate goal has always been and remains the complete annihilati­on of the Palestinia­n people by Israel. October 7, 2023, had to happen for them to pursue that cowardly goal.

If I have learnt anything from these atrocities whose brutality and depravity seems to know no limits, it’s that the faith, resilience and spirit of the Palestinia­n people is like no other. Their unwavering and unshakeabl­e trust in God in the amid the horrors that the ordinary human mind cannot even begin to comprehend is a testament to their strength and faith.

Ultimately the Palestinia­n nation and its people will survive this genocide, and they will rise from the ashes. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free …

Don’t get me wrong. I do not condone war, death and destructio­n against any race or its people. Surely, if God is just He will judge each and every one who did nothing and said nothing to end this insanity.


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