Cape Argus

Consistenc­y turns average into excellence


IN A WORLD full of growing health trends and an abundance of wellness advice, exploring insights that emphasise consistenc­y with everyday decision-making can be a quest in itself.

This article’s content is influenced by a blend of modern science and ancient wisdom that guides discipline to maintain a consistent everyday routine. These have been the keys to unlocking doors for countless people throughout history, regardless of the life goals they were seeking.

It appears you can manifest your own miracle by remapping your brain in the same way that successful individual­s have done.

Breakthrou­ghs are often achieved through small, consistent actions taken each day.

By embracing the power of habits, you can prepare yourself for long-term success and sustained results.

Your brain and way of thinking are responsibl­e for your failures but you can fix them. Who determines our brain programmin­g? Is it our religion? Parents? The media? Teachers? Or the thousands of our little experience­s we have while growing up? All the factors lock in at a deep level. Over this period, our thinking has become centred on what we think we deserve, what we can achieve or our level of talent. However, each of us has a significan­t amount of potential, yet our programmin­g seems to prevent us from reaching our full potential.

To achieve success, our brain needs to be guided. Having a clear vision for our life will result in a natural change in how we think, feel and perform.

Life is a series of choices, with each one steering us down our unique path. Strive to live each day to align with your personal values that are true to you.

Making deliberate choices instead of aimless choices is the key. You begin saying “no” more often than “yes”. Be selective about what deserves your yes.

Consistent­ly stay discipline­d by acknowledg­ing that you have control over your mind, not external events. Many events do not go as planned and others’ decisions are beyond our control.

Disciplini­ng our minds to remain calm and focused can be used to influence our reactions. Your thoughts shape who you are and your words, actions and behaviours determine how successful you are – focus on positivity.

If we opt for discipline now, we recognise we have a choice. We can either allow life to take us down its path or take control and direct our own path. Living in a chaotic world, we allow our minds to conjure scenarios that may never come to fruition. Address challenges as they arise instead of adding up a hypothetic­al accumulati­on of challenges. Fill your day with priority actions.

In doing so, you activate the brain region responsibl­e for inspired vision, strategic planning, executive decision-making and self-governance. Neuroscien­tific support allows us tointegrat­e mindfulnes­s, journallin­g and creative expression.

You have the power to rise above external disturbanc­es by embracing your inner strength. Recollect a time when you faced a challenge that seemed impossible. Through consistent efforts you overcame it, unknowingl­y being focused on the solutions, not the magnitude of the problem.

True growth happens when we step out of our comfort zones. We create space for our potential to shine and our skills to develop. Our comfort zones might feel safe there growth stagnates. Confidentl­y confront challenges. Our time on Earth is a gift. Even if it means rewriting your story, your mind can magnetical­ly guide you towards your dreams. Why not thrive?

 ?? ANOLENE THANGAVELU PILLAY Psychology adviser ??

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