Cape Argus

12 die in Syria tit-for-tat clash


A WAR monitor said 12 people were killed in southern Syria’s Daraa province yesterday in violence triggered by an explosion a day earlier that killed a group of children.

Daraa was the cradle of the 2011 uprising against President Bashar al-Assad’s rule but it returned to government control in 2018 under a ceasefire deal backed by Russia.

The province has since been plagued by dire living conditions and security chaos, with killings and clashes a frequent occurrence.

The Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights war monitor said Ahmed al-Labbad, who “leads an armed group”, has been accused by rivals of planting an explosive device that went off on Saturday in the province’s Sanamayn, killing eight children.

Labbad, who previously worked for a state security agency, has denied planting the device.

Yesterday, a rival armed group led by an individual who “previously belonged to the Islamic State (IS) group and now works for military intelligen­ce” stormed part of Sanamayn and began clashing with Labbad’s group.

Labbad’s house was torched and “a woman and two children” from his family and seven members of his group were killed, as well as a member of the rival group and an unidentifi­ed civilian who was hit by a stray bullet, the Observator­y said. Drugs were found at the house and clashes were ongoing, it said.

Syrian state media did not immediatel­y report yesterday’s violence.

State news agency Sana, citing a police source, had provided a different toll for Saturday’s blast, saying seven children were killed in the explosion, which it blamed on “terrorists”.

Syria’s civil war, which erupted in 2011 after the government repressed peaceful pro-democracy protests, has killed more than half a million people and ravaged the country’s economy and infrastruc­ture.

Attacks, some claimed by IS, regularly occur in Daraa province, as well as armed clashes and assassinat­ions of government supporters, former opposition figures and civilians working for the government.

Former rebels there who accepted the 2018 Russian-sponsored deal were able to keep their light weapons.

In January, a local leader and seven jihadist militia affiliated with IS were killed in clashes with local factions in the province.

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