Cape Argus

Ex-Speaker displays all the arrogance of the ANC faithful


WHAT recently came to light regarding Nosiviwe MapisaNqak­ula’s shocking and gross corrupt behaviour serves as yet another reminder of what power-hungry, entitled and apartheid-obsessed cadres will do to make sure they eat enough while the kitchen is open.

With the ANC still clinging on to power after 30 years of serious honeymooni­ng, one has to wonder when this gravy train will ever come to a halt. The former speaker of Parliament, now facing criminal charges, has again demonstrat­ed the astonishin­g arrogance of the ANC faithful. As if their bellies were not already over full with stolen state resources and taxpayers’ money.

Normal, hard-working, lawabiding citizens have to simply stand by and watch how our courts and the NPA get flooded with cases of corruption, money laundering and racketeeri­ng. All we can do is hope we will witness more similar outcomes, given that Shamila Batohi and her gang at last do their jobs.

On May 29 we should vote to elect a new, fresh government to get rid of the black elite mafia.

With the ANC seemingly being funded by Iran via one of our most well-known telecommun­ications networks, we should not take lightly Naledi Pandor and Ramaphosa’s anti-Semitic utterances, and raising the possible non-payment of social grants should the ANC lose power.

The ANC will go down as the most power-hungry, ruthless, racist movement South Africa has ever seen. With a filthy rich Ramaphosa at the helm, how could we expect anything but large-scale thieving and the hollowing out of state resources, at the expense of South Africans? Who would have thought apartheid would conjure up such a toxic, increasing­ly evil government? LEONARD OOSTHUIZEN | Cowie’s Hill

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