Cape Argus

Pope in ‘high spirits’ at mass in Venice


POPE Francis presided over mass in Saint Mark’s Square in Venice yesterday, warning of environmen­tal damage and over-tourism in a closely watched visit, the first for the ageing pontiff outside Rome since last year.

Fragile health has prevented the 87-year-old leader of the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics from travelling in recent months, his last trip being a visit to the French city of Marseille in September.

But under sunny skies yesterday, the pope appeared in high spirits as he addressed more than 10 000 faithful seated in the vast St Mark’s Square, following an earlier visit to a women’s prison and an address to young Venetians.

Citing the “enchanting beauty” of Venice, Francis listed the many dangers facing it – climate change, mass tourism and “frayed social relations, individual­ism and loneliness”.

“Venice is one with the waters upon which it sits. Without the care and safeguardi­ng of this natural environmen­t, it might even cease to exist,” said the pope in his homily.

“Similarly, our life is also immersed forever in the springs of God’s love,” he said.

Venice, he said, “which has always been a place of encounter and cultural exchange, is called to be a sign of beauty available to all, starting with the last – a sign of fraternity and care for our common home.”

The pope’s visit came during the same weekend that Venice launched a new five-euro (R100) entry fee for day trippers, aimed at easing the pressure of tourism on the Unesco World Heritage site.

Francis said one of Venice’s main challenges was “the difficulty of creating an environmen­t that is fit for human beings through adequate tourism management” – along with “climate change ... the fragility of constructi­ons, of cultural heritage but also of people”.

Tourists were prevented from accessing the square during the papal mass, which required a ticket to attend.

Earlier yesterday, Francis arrived by helicopter on the island of Giudecca, which houses a women’s prison.

Greeting one by one the approximat­ely 80 inmates, the pope encouraged the women to reconstruc­t their lives “brick upon brick, together, with determinat­ion” during their time behind bars. He urged administra­tors to offer reintegrat­ion programmes.

“Prison is a harsh reality and problems such as overcrowdi­ng, the lack of facilities and resources, and episodes of violence, give rise to a great deal of suffering there,” he said, sitting in front of the prisoners.

“But it can also become a place of moral and material rebirth,” he added.

The pope also toured the art exhibition housed at the prison.

It considers the daily lives of the inmates through the work of 10 different artists – the Vatican’s entry for this year’s Biennale festival of art.

This was the first time a pope had visited the prestigiou­s festival, which began last weekend.

Francis also addressed some 1500 young people gathered outside the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, arriving by speedboat at the landmark church at the entrance to the Grand Canal.

He encouraged them to become engaged in the world despite everyone being “on their own with their cellphones, glued to social media and video games”.

“You must fearlessly go against the current – take life into your hands, get involved, turn off the TV and open the Gospel, leave the cellphone and encounter people,” he said.

In December, a bout of bronchitis forced the pope to cancel a trip to Dubai, where he was to have addressed UN climate talks.

He also pulled out of an Easter event at the last minute in March, after suffering for several weeks from what the Vatican called a “light flu”.

 ?? | AFP ?? POPE Francis leaves St.Mark’s basilica at the end of his visit in Venice, yesterday.
| AFP POPE Francis leaves St.Mark’s basilica at the end of his visit in Venice, yesterday.

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