Cape Argus

Mbeki should be torch-bearer of rail safety

- MABILA MATHEBULA Author and life coach with a PhD in constructi­on management

WHEN former president Thabo Mbeki proposed that a commission of inquiry into Chief Albert Luthuli’s death be set up, I thought of Diane Lane’s wise words: “A lot can change in the editing room.”

When I was an employee at the Railway Safety Regulator (RSR), I used to contribute articles to the internal newsletter religiousl­y and I had a good relationsh­ip with my editor. One day, I submitted an article to the editor on the role that foundation­s could play in promoting transport safety. The article was rejected by the editor but I was never dejected.

I argued that foundation­s based on the legacies of great leaders such as Luthuli (he was struck by a train), Dag Hammarskjo­ld, Samora Machel (both died in plane crashes) and Nelson Mandela (he lost a child and a grandchild in road incidents) could contribute to transport safety in an intermodal manner.

I explained that the politician­s contribute­d to political thought and public imaginatio­n in a way that politician­s rarely do. I thought she would be enchanted when I wrote: “They all agreed with Chief Seattle, that man does not weave a web of life, but is merely a strand in life.”

The editor said: “Mabila, I like what you have written but we cannot publish this article in our newsletter because Chief Albert Luthuli died under mysteries circumstan­ces and we happen to be a public entity.” We shook hands and I told her that I understood her point of view.

My experience in the editing room compelled me to recall an anonymous quotation that I once saw on a European train: “Progress has little to do with speed, but much to do with direction.”

Luthuli’s name is synonymous with racial integratio­n and human dignity. He was the president of the ANC from 1952, until his untimely death on a railway track in 1967, and he was the first person in Africa and the diaspora to win a Nobel Peace Prize in 1960.

In his acceptance speech, he said: “I accept it also as an honour to South Africa and to the continent of Africa, whatever their race, colour or creed.”

It is on the cards that he was a man of peace who was a threat to a government that used coercive power to achieve its goals During Chris Hani’s funeral, Joe Slovo asked a million-dollar question: “Who killed Chris Hani?” The same questions should be asked: “Who killed Chief Albert Luthuli?”

Mbeki knows the answer to the question. What he wants is evidence to back up his suspicion. Dr Martin Luther King jr partly gave us an answer to the question in his acceptance address after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, on December 10, 1964: “So you honour the dedicated pilots of our Struggle who have sat at the controls as the freedom movement soared into orbit. You honour once again Chief Luthuli of South Africa who struggles with and for his people are still met with the most brutal expression of man’s inhumanity to man.”

Obviously, the apartheid government was not happy when King mentioned the brutality of the its government against black people and how Luthuli challenged the government of the day to let his people go.

Given Luthuli’s internatio­nal status, commonsens­e dictates that the government of the day should have set up a commission of inquiry to investigat­e his death as part of a transport planning policy, but that was relegated to the background.

Any country that has a history of brutality will eliminate its opponents or use brutal force to achieve results. When Mbeki decreed a safety audit in our mines in 2009, I wrote the following on occupation­al risk management: “When the industrial history of our country is written, our current government will be noted for standing firm where previous administra­tions wavered. For many decades, mines did not use any integrated system to manage health, safety or environmen­tal impacts.

“Even in the mid-1900, miners had no rights, and risked their lives if they argued with their supervisor­s. Several miners did not die of accidents, however, they were killed by their supervisor­s or colleagues.” The unwritten rule was that anyone who opposed injustice was killed.

The RSR was created to oversee railway safety in South Africa and not to manage social problems such as the occupation of railway land by illegal dwellers, theft and vandalism. The social problems are affecting the railway’s safe operation and the smooth running of railways in our country.

Luthuli was a man of integrity. He should be turning in his grave to see his people stealing and vandalisin­g railway property and expecting the RSR and railway operators to execute their mandate with grace.

When Mbeki suggested Luthuli’s inquest, I saw him as a messenger of God who had been sent to honour Luthuli’s memory. A messenger of God comes to the world with two messages – the spiritual message and the social message. The spiritual message does not change, what changes is the social message.

The only way to pay tribute to Luthuli is to rededicate ourselves to protecting the railway infrastruc­ture against thieves and vandals.

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