Cape Times

Toilet door is key to Oscar’s defence

- Bronwyn Fourie

DURBAN: The toilet door through which Reeva Steenkamp was shot has become a critical piece of evidence, according to Durban forensic pathologis­t Reggie Perumal, who has been hired by Oscar Pistorius’s defence.

The door was removed by police before Pistorius’s defence team had the chance to examine the crime scene.

“It is critical that we examine this door so that we can see the trajectory of the bullets and establish exactly where she was in the toilet when she was shot,” Perumal said.

“Next to the post mortem results, this is the most crucial informatio­n needed,” he said.

Perumal, who was present at the post mortem of Steenkamp’s body and took more than 200 photograph­s, said many of the rumours regard- ing the crime or events leading up to it, such as Steenkamp having been pregnant, were easily ruled out.

“There was also a theory that Steenkamp had a clump of Pistorius’s hair in her hand when she died, but we even have photos of her hands and there were only two strands of hair on her hand and they were her own, long blonde hairs.”

Other informatio­n obtained during the post mortem that was critical to Pistorius’s bail applicatio­n was made known to the court through the former investigat­ing officer’s testimony.

One such piece of informatio­n related to Steenkamp’s bladder having been empty at the time she was killed, Perumal said.

“We decided to get as much of our evidence as we could through the investigat­ing officer so that I did not need to be called as a witness during the bail applicatio­n. He was at the autopsy, so that was actually a blessing for Oscar.”

But it is not only the post mortem that Perumal relied on, as he also assessed the crime scene. In fact, it was he who, after seeing a mark on the toilet wall, realised that a spent bullet was in the toilet and suggested it be retrieved.

“A lot of injustices are done

in criminal cases because of improper crime scene investigat­ion,” he said.

Perumal also told how bloody swipes from Steenkamp’s hair – as well as other blood markings in the house – supported Pistorius’s story of where he picked her body up and carried it.

“There was a lot of blood on the scene. We can tell when Oscar picked Reeva up by the blood from her hair swipes.

“And from the blood mark- ings we can see she was still alive at that time.

“There were also swipes on the wall where he carried her down the steps. And we can tell that by the time she got to the bottom of the steps she was already dead.”

Perumal said it had been frustratin­g to listen to the many “wrong conclusion­s” expressed by almost every person who had been following this case, as he could do nothing more than listen. And his lips are sealed – until he testifies at the trial.


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