Cape Times

Pope Benedict gives final Sunday blessing

- Philip Pullella

VATICAN CITY: Pope Benedict spoke from his window for the last time yesterday, telling the faithful packed into St Peter’s Square that the first papal abdication in centuries was God’s will and insisting he was not “abandoning” the church.

Four days before the 85-yearold’s often troubled eight-year rule ends, new talk of scandal hit the cardinals who will choose his successor: one of them, a Scottish archbishop, had to deny a media allegation of misconduct with young priests in the 1980s.

With an American cardinal urged not to go to the electoral conclave because of his role in handling sexual abuse cases in the US, and the Vatican accusing media of running smears to influence the vote, the church faces a stormy succession.

Benedict, however, defended his shock decision to resign as dictated by his failing health; his address to tens of thousands of well-wishers was met with calls of “Viva il Papa!”

“The Lord is calling me to climb the mountain, to dedicate myself even more to prayer and meditation,” the German-born pontiff said in Italian, his voice strong and carrying clearly.

“But this does not mean abandoning the church. Actually, if God asks this of me, it is precisely because I can continue to serve her with the same dedication and the same love I have shown so far,” he said, adding that he would be serving the church “in a way more in keeping with my age and my strengths”.

As he spoke, two of about 117 cardinals who are due to enter the conclave to choose his successor as leader of the 1.2 billion Roman Catholics next month were mired in controvers­y.

Britain’s top Catholic cleric, Cardinal Keith O’Brien of Edinburgh, rejected allegation­s published in the Observer newspaper that he had been involved in unspecifie­d inappropri­ate behaviour with other priests in the past.

The paper said O’Brien, known for his outspoken views against homosexual­ity, had been reported to the Vatican by three priests and a former priest, who said they had come forward to demand O’Brien resign and not take part in the conclave.

“Cardinal O’Brien contests these claims and is taking legal advice,” a spokesman for the 74-year-old cardinal said.

He was the second cardinal to be caught up in controvers­y over his attendance before of the conclave, where 117 “princes of the church” under 80 will elect a new pope from their ranks.

On Saturday, Catholic activists petitioned Cardinal Roger Mahony to recuse himself from the conclave so as not to insult survivors of sexual abuse by priests committed while he was archbishop of Los Angeles.

 ??  ?? SWANSONG: Pope Benedict XVI leads his last Angelus prayer before stepping down in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican.
SWANSONG: Pope Benedict XVI leads his last Angelus prayer before stepping down in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican.

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