Cape Times

Leaders sign DRC peace accord

- Jenny Vaughn

ADDIS ABABA: Regional African leaders have signed a deal aimed at bringing peace and stability to the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Eleven countries, including those accused of stoking trouble in eastern DRC by backing rebel groups, signed the accord at a ceremony in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, in the presence of UN chief Ban Kimoon yesterday.

The DRC’s mineral-rich east has been ravaged for years by conflict involving numerous armed groups.

“It is my hope that the framework will lead to an era of peace and stability for the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the region,” said Ban.

But he added: “It is only the beginning of a comprehens­ive approach that will require sustained engagement.”

The presidents of the DRC, South Africa, Mozambique, Rwanda, Congo and Tanzania were present for the signing, along with envoys from Uganda, Angola, Burundi, the Central African Republic and Zambia.

The accord calls on countries in the region to refrain from interferin­g in each other’s affairs and aims to encourage the reform of weak institutio­ns in the DRC.

It could also lead to the creation of a special UN “interventi­on brigade” in the eastern DRC to combat rebel groups. The latest surge in violence, last year, culminated in the brief seizure of the key town of Goma by the rebel March 23 (M23) movement in November.

“It shows that the right course of action is being taken, and that based on this there are opportunit­ies and avenues which will be open for our common action for the peace and security of DRC and in the region,” the AU’s commission­er for peace and security, Ramtane Lamamra, said at the signing yesterday.

The pact calls on regional actors “to neither tolerate nor provide assistance or support of any kind to armed groups”.

It also sets out a plan for the “appointmen­t of a UN special envoy to support efforts to reach durable solutions in a multitrack plan that allows the convergenc­e of all initiative­s in progress”.

Said President Jacob Zuma: “A heavy burden of responsibi­lity falls on the government of the DRC and its neighbours. Theirs is the historic task of freeing the people of the DRC and the region from its tortuous history of conflict and instabilit­y, and to introduce a new future offering democracy, peace, stability, progress and prosperity.”

Rwandan President Paul Kagame, whose country is accused of backing the M23 rebels, said he wanted to see “peace, security and stability”.

“Today’s agreement is an important step and opportunit­y in reaffirmin­g our commitment to regional peace. I unreserved­ly welcome it,” he said. “Nothing would be of greater benefit to Rwanda than real progress towards regional peace and stability.”

Neighbouri­ng countries – Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda among them – have often been accused of meddling in the region, with the illegal extraction of valuable minerals among as a motives.

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