Cape Times

Italians head to the polls in cliffhange­r general election


ROME: Voting was under way in Italy’s general election yesterday, amid uncertaint­y about who will prevail and signs of mounting support for a radical protest party which advocates a referendum on the country’s euro-zone exit.

Polling stations opened at 8am local time and were to close at 10pm. A second day of voting takes place today, from 7am to 3pm, with exit polls due immediatel­y thereafter.

A total of 50 million Italians are eligible to vote, but analysts predict abstention rates of about 30 percent.

The front-runner in the contest is centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani, but his “Italy Common Good” coalition risks falling short of a majority in the upper house of parliament, the Senate.

Negotiatio­ns to form a government may be complicate­d by the likely success of comedian Beppe Grillo, whose antiestabl­ishment Five Star Movement drew hundreds of thousands of people for its final rally on Friday in Rome.

The other main contenders are scandal-prone former premier Silvio Berlusconi, whose conservati­ve coalition was trailing the centre-left before an opinion polls blackout came into force on February 8, and outgoing premier Mario Monti.

Monti’s centrist alliance is seen as the most likely coalition partner for Bersani, but the prospectiv­e deal is hindered by policy difference­s between Monti and Bersani’s leftist ally, Nichi Vendola. – Sapa-dpa

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