Cape Times



ARIES: Mar 21 – Apr 21. Now more the visionary dreamer than the practical doer, you are hardly likely to accomplish anything truly worth while. Your lack of immediate success could have you wearing a woebegone face. Try to get your thoughts in proper order. (083 9140 701)

TAURUS: Apr 21 – May 21. You could find yourself burdened with more responsibi­lities and tasks than you can comfortabl­y handle if you have been overreachi­ng yourself. Unless you can call on others to pitch in and help you, you are going to suffer a fall from grace. (083 9140 702) GEMINI: May 21 – Jun 22. Assuming you and a companion have not being altogether honest with each other, the time has come to make amends. Attend to it now if the two of you have been hiding secrets from one another as this is a fine time for cleaning the slate. (083 9140 703)

CANCER: Jun 22 – Jul 23. Keep your dignity and poise in dealing with petty annoyances. Treat incidents with patience. Guard your reputation by exhibiting good conduct. However, all of this might be easier said than done since your emotions are quite fragile. (083 9140 704)

LEO: Jul 23 – Aug 24. Although you are eager to try something bold and different, you could discover that you have too little staying power and might abandon your endeavour before it gets off

the ground. Use this term for planning – delay action for a while. (083 9140 705)

VIRGO: Aug 24 – Sep 23. Be warned against the risk of losing money in an injudiciou­s venture. Prudence ought to be your watchword with regard to all financial matters. This is when you are vulnerable to exciting temptation­s and irrational spending impulses. (083 9140 706) LIBRA: Sep 23 – Oct 23. Mind your own business in order to keep out of trouble. A discussion overheard could pique your curiosity yet do not ask questions

– especially not if there is an element of scandal or nastiness about it for you might be drawn into it. (083 9140 707)

SCORPIO: Oct 23 – Nov 23. Remember to let the folk you love know how much they mean to you. Those sweet words will serve to negate your current inclinatio­n to think only about yourself and to behave selfishly. Loving and sharing will restore inner balance. (083 9140 708)

SAGITTARIU­S: Nov 23 – Dec 22. Do not simply capitulate when an attractive person shows interest in you since you might soon afterwards find yourself being taken advantage of owing to your vanity and desire

for praise – being manipulate­d with sweet and sugary words. (083 9140 709)

CAPRICORN: Dec 22 – Jan 21. It is advisable to have a medical check-up, even if it is only to put your mind at ease. Failing that, you are advised to examine your lifestyle with a view to eliminatin­g bad eating and sleeping habits and adopting a healthful regime. (083 9140 710)

AQUARIUS: Jan 21 – Feb 20.

People who are close to you might disagree – with both sides prevailing on you to take sides in the argument. Refuse to be drawn in

– simply remain objective and tell them to exercise common sense, and to cultivate mutual understand­ing. (083 9140 711) PISCES: Feb 20 – Mar 21. Unschedule­d changes and unexpected upsets could occur and you may have to complete the things you have to do in less time than you had planned. Obligation­s could prove difficult to fulfil. Some people will place obstacles in your way. (083 9140 712) Enquiries: WilliamSmi­ or

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