Cape Times

Waste of time

- Max Leipold Hermanus

ONE has come to expect little from our president but what he delivered in his State of the Nation address on Thursday was so little as to make the whole exercise a waste of time and taxpayers’ money. He exceeded even his own ability to say nothing.

He is no orator but when even the notes he reads from are totally without substance, it becomes a contest between message and messenger as to which is the less inspiring. Little wonder that so few South Africans bothered to tune in and endure the boring agony.

How can anyone state that a State of the Nation address “is not the occasion to present the programme of action for this financial year”? Really? What then is the purpose of the speech? Is it simply to list the achievemen­ts?

Surely this is the most appropriat­e occasion to evaluate the performanc­e, to recognise shortcomin­gs and to set out corrective action?

But not our Jacob Zuma. Using all the foresight that he can muster, he tells us that “the programme will be presented… after the elections”. Great revelation but please sir, do tell us by whom? By the ANC led by a man incapable of leading, or perhaps by a firebrand called Malema, or might it be by a coalition of parties?

More importantl­y, what does this tell us? Nothing other than, say: trust us, give us your vote and once we are back in power, we will then tell you what we are going to do.

Is that not just a touch naive and arrogant?

He really is not the ware Jakob. Why are we saddled with this incompeten­t man who has no ability to lead and who is still tainted with the stain of unresolved criminal accusation­s, of lies in Parliament, with the company of doubtful people? The ANC is not that bereft of talent. Please, Mr President, step down and make space for a capable, untainted leader. You have enjoyed enough privileges at the expense of the nation – Nkandla, legal protection and quite possibly financial assistance from some of your “friends”. Time to go.

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