Cape Times

Stats SA misses point in poverty interpreta­tion

- Dick Forslund

WE HAVE the highest respect for the work of Statistics SA and for the informatio­n it gives to the public. In the polemic Alternativ­e Informatio­n and Developmen­t Centre (AIDC) wages against corporate power and prevailing economic and energy policies, we constantly rely on Stats SA’s expertise and tremendous experience. AIDC is not the “enemy” of Stats SA. We are users of its reports, tables and diagrams.

After reading the Statistici­an-General Pali Lehohla’s response to our February 24 article in Business Report and the AIDC press statement of February 19, our admiration also stretches to the statistici­an-gen- eral’s mastery of the English language.

We quote: The assertion by AIDC stating that Stats SA took instructio­ns from the Department of Health is mendacious, irresponsi­ble and inflammato­ry. It reflects the amateurish way in which these wannabe institutio­ns frivolousl­y trivialise the importance of evidence and informatio­n and its contributi­on to the developmen­t of society. Their unscientif­ic and provocativ­e remarks can only sensationa­lise and mislead the uninitiate­d and perhaps this is their ladder to fame. Unfortunat­ely they went on a perilously dangerous rung that will seal their infantile fate.

Our answer is: Foot Note 9 in the February 3, 2015 methodolog­ical report on rebasing of national poverty lines… which is what we are discussing, reads as follows: “Statistics South Africa (2008) used 2 261 kilocalori­es perperson-per-day as the minimum energy requiremen­t. In this round of poverty lines developmen­t, the minimum energy requiremen­t is set at 2 100 kilocalori­es per-person-per day as per recommenda­tion from the Department of Health” (Our emphasis).

Is this true or not? Are we quoting correctly? Was the South African Medical Research Council (MRC) consulted before the change? In the joint Treasury and Stats SA 2007 report, A National Poverty Line for South Africa, we read: “The daily energy requiremen­t, as recommende­d by the South African Medical Research Council (MRC), is 2 261 kilocalori­es per person.”

The redefiniti­on of food poverty is only announced in the above foot note. That is probably why Lehohla missed it.

Lower-bound and upper-bound poverty builds logically on the definition of food poverty (or extreme poverty), which is based on a calorie-intake recommenda­tion, as is pedagogica­lly explained in the report.

The redefiniti­on (to the World Health Organisati­on’s emergency standard) shifts all three poverty lines in South Africa downwards by R25, as can be ascertaine­d by the simple formula on page 10 in the report. Is our R25 estimate correct? It is the task of Stats SA to spell it out. The number should be in the report.


In our opinion, it is also Stats SA that should tell the users, in the report, that the estimated number of poor people changes dramatical­ly when the starting point of the poverty lines is changed. The rebasing of the poor household consumer basket added R14 to the food poverty line. Only that placed an additional 761 000 individual­s in food poverty in 2011. From that, AIDC concluded that an additional R25 statistica­lly places another 1.3 million to 1.4 million South Africans in food poverty and about 1 million more below the political bench mark “lower bound poverty”.

In our view, Stats SA has not followed the “general conclusion from internatio­nal experience” that… “a consistent­ly applied poverty line is a useful social index”, to quote from the 2007 paper referred above. To shift goalposts without saying what the consequenc­es are for shares of population officially living in three different degrees of poverty is not to be transparen­t. It is untypical of Stats SA practice.

Finally, the statistici­an-general’s sulphur smelling advice to simply deflate the 2011 rebased poverty lines with the consumer price index to get an account backward in time is irrelevant to our concerns. The goalposts have been shifted by R25 in 2011 prices. Statistica­lly, the redefiniti­on of extreme poverty makes the situation “better” from 2011 and back in time. Does Lehohla agree?

The March 2014 report from Stats SA that made poverty estimates back to 2000 must now be revised. Does Lehohla agree?

The government has an easier task to fulfil its two goals when fighting poverty. That South Africans living below the lower bound poverty line should be reduced by half from 1990 to 2015. This is the Millennium Goal; that no one should live below that benchmark by 2030. This is the goal of the National Developmen­t Plan.

The statistici­an-general’s vitriolic response doesn’t do Stats SA any good.

Stats SA has not followed the general conclusion from internatio­nal experience that a consistent­ly applied poverty line is a useful social index.

Dick Forslund is senior economist at the Alternativ­e Informatio­n and Developmen­t Centre.

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