Cape Times

Demand misplaced

- Karl Eintracht Bergvliet

WHY is there a furore over the statue of Cecil John Rhodes at UCT? Whether you like, hate, admire or despise the man, he had a valuable roll in UCT’s history.

Without his bequest of Groote Schuur to be utilised exclusivel­y as a national university, UCT might well have found itself somewhere in Woodstock or Bellville. It is of interest that no one has complained of the use of his money to build a world-renowned institutio­n. What of Alfred and Otto Beit? They, too, were men of the same ilk as Rhodes, who also are responsibl­e for helping to establish UCT.

Current students at UCT are nothing more than that – current. They do not own the place. They do not have the right to dictate to the administra­tion. They do have the right to lodge complaints.

The have the right to voice their opinions. However, most of all, they have the right to be educated. Personally, I find it hard to believe that a statue can hamper that last right.

The SRC’s demand that the statue be removed is petulant. They have the right to open discussion, and not demands.

Now, back to the topic of them being current students. As a whole, they make up a tiny percentage of the whole alumni of UCT. As a minority, they again can’t dictate to the whole. If there is a strong push for the removal of the statue, then the whole alumni should be canvassed, and not just a minority. It would be of great interest to see the true represente­d response. Also, it would show how many graduates truly appreciate what they have as a result of a man who it has become fashionabl­e to vilify.

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