Cape Times



ARIES:If you hope Mar to 21 attain– Apra superior21 position of responsibi­lity, demonstrat­e your capability and reliabilit­y. Promote yourself in a confident and positive way because this is a notable session for attracting the esteem of your superiors. (SMS ARI to 34703) TAURUS: Apr 21 – May 21 Dedicate some of your time to work involving human or animal welfare. You will get a good response from the general public if you are hoping to raise funds for a special cause. Doing your bit for charity will make you feel very good. (SMS TAU to 34703) GEMINI: May 21 – Jun 22 Concentrat­e on your personal plans. You will be quite amazed to discover just how far and fast you can advance your aims at this time. Original and workable notions easily spring to mind when you take time out for imaginativ­e thinking. (SMS GEM to 34703) CANCER: Jun 22 – Jul 23 Spring into action now that you have arrived at a stage which is fortunate for advancing your aspiration­s and hopes concerning your worldly affairs. You must be well groomed in order to deal fruitfully with people in the public domain. (SMS CAN to 34703) LEO: Jul 23 – Aug 24 Focus on your plans for the future because moves exercised at this stage bode well for good results in the long term. Privileged informatio­n should enable you to open up a new source of income. You must be fully alive to opportunit­y. (SMS LEO to 34703) VIRGO:This round Aug proceeds24 – Sep on 23a pleasant note. Surprising­ly,relatively little a effort.lot can Obtainbe accomplish­edrelief by with completing­It is a particular­ly outstandin­g upbeat work cycle in for quickall typestime. of mental activity. (SMS VIR to 34703) Your LIBRA: home Sep may23 – be Oct thronging2­3 with friends and acquaintan­ces,sought by loving for and your valued company being This is and becauseyou­r sincerityy­our currentand devotionna­ture is to cheerful,others is appreciate­d. (SMS LIB to 34703) SCORPIO: Oct 23 – Nov 23 Cultivate a reputation of honesty and reliabilit­y because it will serve you in beneficial ways, and if you have a talent for business affairs, you will likely eventually find yourself in a position of trust involving important matters. (SMS SCO to 34703) SAGITTARIU­S: Nov 23 – Dec 22 Bear in mind that the most dynamic curative agent is faith – in yourself and in your future. Make time for meditation because successful living stems from good health, and common sense and prayer can see you right in that connection. (SMS SAG to 34703) CAPRICORN: Dec 22 – Jan 21 Your prospects improve during what promises to be a fortunate phase from both the personal and fiscal standpoint­s. Go flat out to obtain the thing for which you are so earnestly yearning. You can forge some really useful connection­s. (SMS CAP to 34703) AQUARIUS: Jan 21 – Feb 20 Do not throw away anything at all. Have a rethink about doing so because this is when you could find that something you deemed to be of little value is, in fact, worth a very tidy sum. Your other possession­s are also worth evaluating. (SMS AQU to 34703) PISCES: Feb 20 – Mar 21 Welcome a self-enlighteni­ng interval, in which you realise just how and where your attitude to people and conditions has been at fault, and so opportune for making amends, and thereby placing yourself widely in good favour once again. (SMS PIS to 34703)

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