Cape Times

Ukraine rebels and Russians in shelling exchanges


DONETSK, Ukraine: The Ukrainian military and pro-Russian separatist­s accused each other on Sunday of shelling residentia­l districts of separatist-held Donetsk overnight, the first attack on central parts of the city since a February ceasefire agreement.

Rebels said the attacks had killed one civilian, destroyed buildings and started several fires in the city.

More than 6 500 people have been killed since the conflict broke out in eastern Ukraine in April last year. Attacks have lessened since a peace agreement was brokered in Minsk, Belarus, five months ago, but both sides accuse each other of violations.

Ukrainian military observers said they witnessed rebel missile systems “turned towards Donetsk, shelling residentia­l areas of Donetsk, then turning and starting to fire in the direction of Ukrainian positions”. Military spokesman Serhiy Galushko said the army had intercepte­d rebel radio traffic suggesting separatist­s planned to shell the city.

But senior rebel commander Eduard Basurin flatly denied separatist­s were responsibl­e for the attacks.

“Last time the centre of Donetsk was hit was in February… I have no explanatio­n. The Ukrainian side says we shelled ourselves.

“Do you seriously believe we can shell ourselves?” he asked Reuters by phone.

The Organisati­on for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which is monitoring the ceasefire, has said neither side has fully withdrawn heavy artillery from the frontline as required by the peace deal.

The Ukrainian military confirmed one serviceman had been killed.

Observers say they witnessed rebels fire missiles

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