Cape Times

‘Stars are aligning’ to seal a historic climate accord


LONDON: The most important environmen­tal meeting in history is on course to decisively confront climate change, as an “unstoppabl­e and irreversib­le” momentum builds to “green the planet”, the UN climate change chief says.

Christiana Figueres says she is confident that December’s UN summit in Paris – regarded as the most important so far – will deliver its ambitious target to agree on action drastic enough to limit global warming to 2ºC. Beyond this level, the consequenc­es of climate change become increasing­ly devastatin­g.

“The stars are aligning towards a Paris agreement that will establish a pathway that keeps us within the limit of 2ºC,” Figueres said.

“What is unique here is that everyone is realising that this truly is a very, very urgent moment in the history of addressing climate change. That this is a moment we cannot afford to miss.

“And because everybody is mobilised in the same direction, we actually have a very good chance of doing something meaningful.”

As executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), the global body charged with tackling global warming, Figueres will be in charge of the Paris negotiatio­ns and the crucial rounds of discussion­s preceding them.

The target world leaders have set the summit will require countries to make ambitious and legally binding cuts to their carbon emissions. And the negotiatio­ns will be made much harder by the political difficulty of getting nearly 200 government­s to agree a highly complex and potentiall­y contentiou­s treaty in which the scale of the emissions cuts will vary significan­tly between countries.

One particular bone of contention lies in the way the developed countries – which are historical­ly responsibl­e for the bulk of carbon emissions – share the burden of emissions cuts with developing countries, which are now responsibl­e for an increasing majority of the CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere.

But Figueres is confident that these difficulti­es will be overcome. “I would be hard-pressed to find one sector that is not moving forward with communicat­ion that is so much better than we had in the past and, even more importantl­y, with carbon reduction commitment­s themselves.

“Whether you look at the investment community, the insurance community, cities, territorie­s, states or companies – it really is quite impressive to see the unending procession of commitment and action under way. It is unstoppabl­e, it is irreversib­le. What Paris is going to do is to confirm that pathway and give it a legal basis.

“Frankly, what is coming into focus here is the kaleidosco­pe of all of the different facets that climate change actually covers, and each of those facets is finding its voice and become louder and louder for an orchestrat­ed solution.”

Despite her growing confidence, Figueres said a huge amount still needs to be done to ensure a successful outcome in Paris – with by far the biggest obstacle being how countries will finance the move to a low-carbon global economy. Other leading players in the climate change discussion­s are also confident that a positive result for tackling climate change can be achieved in Paris.

“I see evidence from around the world and from all sectors that the tide is at last turning, with a groundswel­l of action both to limit and prepare for climate change and its impacts,” said Chris Rapley, professor of climate science at University College London, who co-wrote and performed 2071 – a monologue set in the future about the dangers of climate change – at the Royal Court theatre in London last year.

“The transforma­tion is taking place in the public, private and civil sectors as savvy individual­s and institutio­ns turn their minds, skills and efforts to transform the world to a zero carbon state.”

Rapley said it was “significan­t” that after decades of roughly 2 percent growth in annual carbon emissions, the level flattened last year despite a 3 percent rise in the global economy and a 1.5 percent increase in energy use.

Lord Stern, a professor at the London School of Economics’ Grantham Institute and the world’s most influentia­l climate economist, cautioned that much work still needs to be done to ensure a successful outcome in Paris and afterwards.

“Hard work is required over the next few months by all countries to find credible ways of achieving bigger emissions reductions. There should be an intensific­ation of effort to increase investment and innovation, particular­ly in relation to the developmen­t of cities, energy systems and land use. The ambitions and plans at the Paris summit should be regarded as a critical initial step.”

The chief executive of Friends of the Earth, Craig Bennett, was less confident that the world can limit global warming to 2ºC. “We are gravely concerned the level of action being promised will breach two degrees – let alone the safer 1.5ºC. The planet and climate don’t negotiate. A deal at any cost – that has neither urgency nor ambition – will be viewed a failure.” – The Independen­t

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